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ICT Institute: The breadth and depth of urban cloud still need to be improved


In the era of digital economy, cloud, as the basic productivity and solid base of cities, has increasingly become an important foundation support to stimulate the development momentum of urban digital economy. The development level of urban cloud services has become an important symbol to measure the effectiveness of urban digital transformation and the quality of digital economy development.

Recently, the ICT Academy released the Urban Cloud Service Development Index Report (2022). The report provides insight into the development mechanism and core elements of urban cloud services, and establishes the development index of urban cloud services from the perspectives of application, potential, environment, etc. of urban cloud services. Among them, the cloud service application is the most intuitive manifestation of the development level of cloud services. The cloud service development environment is a strong support for the deepening of cloud service applications. The development potential of cloud services provides a strong driving force for the rapid development of cloud service applications. The three complement and promote each other, and jointly promote the high-quality development of cloud services.

Cloud service development mechanism

Through comprehensive assessment, the report summarizes and analyzes the main characteristics of cloud service development in 60 sample cities in China.

First, the development of urban cloud services is stepped. Beijing, Shenzhen and Shanghai form the first echelon (innovation leader) to lead the development of cloud services nationwide. 34 cities, including Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Wuhan and Xi'an, have formed the second echelon (to accelerate the catch-up), creating unique advantages in the subdivided fields, and forming the trend of catching up with the innovation leading cities. Other cities have formed the third echelon (ready to improve), and cloud service development is ready to launch in the process of exploring the focus of digital economy development.

Second, there is an obvious positive correlation between the development level of cloud services and the scale of the digital economy. Based on the existing data in 2021, it can be observed that every 1 point increase in the urban cloud service development index will lead to a corresponding increase in the scale of the digital economy, which is distributed in the range of [116100.5] billion yuan. The mutual influence between the urban cloud service development level and the digital economy is relatively small; When the level of urban cloud service has reached the stage of accelerated catch-up, the mutual influence between it and the digital economy has rapidly increased and reached the peak; As urban cloud services continue to mature and enter the innovation leading stage, the mutual influence between the two has begun to slow down.

Third, the level of urban cloud use has great potential for improvement. Compared with the GDP share of the US cloud service expenditure, the development level of China's three innovation leading cities is basically the same. However, the GDP of cloud service expenditure of cities that are accelerating to catch up with cities and preparing to improve cities accounts for less than 20% of that of the United States. On the whole, the level of cloud use in China is not high, and the traditional IT construction mode of valuing assets over services and mainly purchasing hardware and software assets is an important reason.

Fourth, the breadth and depth of urban cloud still need to be improved. In terms of the breadth of cloud service coverage, the primary industry coverage of cloud service reached 88%, but the secondary industry coverage was only 51%. In terms of cloud amount and cloud type, the cloud depth of basic resources, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery and other industries is relatively insufficient, and the cloud amount only accounts for about 1% of the cloud amount of 15 primary industries; In addition, deep applications such as SaaS do not account for a high proportion of cloud use, and the proportion of SaaS expenditure in cloud service expenditure in the sample cities of the three echelons ranges from 20% to 30%, which is less than 50% of the development level in the United States.

Fifth, the policy environment of urban cloud services needs to be optimized. Cloud services have been included in the government procurement catalog, but there is no corresponding catalog of government procurement items. In terms of security, the cloud service security assessment, authentication and supervision mechanism has been initially established, but in the process of promotion, the cloud service users' participation is insufficient, and the cloud service security assessment has not been included in the cloud service procurement requirements and other situations still exist, which are important obstacles restricting the development and promotion of urban cloud services.