Information Center

Three Precautions for Increasing Data Center Capacity in America's NexteCloud Data Center


American NexteCloud Data Center Three considerations for increasing data center capacity

Today, large enterprises, networked and intelligent cities around the world are promoting the construction of modern data centers. In order to optimize resource utilization, we should also consider the rapid growth of data center infrastructure services. In order to achieve these goals, the early planning phase of the data center is critical.
However, at this critical stage, many key issues are often ignored. These problems often lead to increased operating costs in the data center.
III. Mainly consider increasing data center capacity
Experience The data center supplier has a high degree of professionalism, which can support the development of data center capabilities and broader projects. Companies with these projects can bring valuable experience to the planning process of data centers.
() strategic partnership
Once the capacity and data center requirements are determined, such as cost, security factors, sustainability and scalability (future growth potential), they should be addressed as soon as possible. The design or construction enterprise must keep the process and partners on the agenda to ensure that these key areas cannot be ignored.
Factors such as cost, security, sustainability and scalability (future growth potential) should be addressed as soon as possible.
For example, in the process of providing detailed infrastructure security, the company is integrated in the early stage of design. Enterprises have realized that this method can save money over time. This process can prevent new security technologies from being added to the program at a high cost in the later stage.
() Operation and maintenance
When customers regard the data center as an important part of their projects, it is often uncertain how they will operate or maintain their assets for a period of time to ensure high customer satisfaction. With the rise of modular data center and edge computing deployment, the focus has expanded to manage the combination of key infrastructure in a broader geographical scope.
Customers need one-stop services, such as obtaining the answers they need through mobile phones, and deployment, which is different from the data center of infrastructure products (that is, generators or chillers). Keep a good record of providing correct operation and maintenance with experts and providing support services to your infrastructure provider.
() and content analysis Prepare for the establishment of a data center when finally thinking about the problem is to analyze and create telemetry across various assets. Ideally, users want to standardize and scale data center solutions across multiple sites. It is important to have a solution that can clearly view users' performance indicators, because it allows users to better understand the use and performance of the data center itself. In order to achieve the best results, the data center project needs to consider the correct data center management analysis system. Some key indicators include tracking system downtime, resource consumption and usage patterns. These indicators can predict and optimize the use of energy to load faster decisions during outages.
In order to correctly analyze and track the data center, it is best to ensure the visibility provided by the data center network and computing resources. This may require deploying sensors in the entire system, not only to master the data analysis, but also to strengthen and verify the captured data. Preparing such a detailed analysis also requires seamless data integration with corresponding processing capabilities to help make decisions quickly.
The biggest advantage of deploying a part of a major construction project of a modern data center is to use the inherent scalability, efficiency, and system decision-making power. In order to maximize these advantages, experience shows that careful planning is the key. Elaborately designed data center planning, created with the assistance of strategic partners, users will deploy the system, provide necessary services, and support the appropriate level of analysis support to ensure maximum