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Alibaba or acquire enterprise level SaaS giant Slack reported on November 19 that Alibaba Nail held a C++strategy conference in Hangzhou about two months ago. At that time, the core meaning revealed by the founder Wuzhao was to build a platform and invite partners to play together. As long as the ISV manufacturer's products are excellent, technical docking support is not a problem, nor is it a problem with money. Nailing requires people and money.


Throughout the past year, Ali has acquired dozens of companies, large and small, with an amount of 10 billion dollars. The most recent purchase was Youku Tudou, which cost 4.5 billion dollars.

We all know that the enterprise market is difficult to do, and the road to invite partners to do the platform is also quite long. The fastest way is naturally capital acquisition. Sure enough, two months later, there was a rumor that Ali NaiNail would cooperate with Slack, possibly through investment and equity participation or capital acquisition.

Who is Slack? It can be said that it is the fastest growing SaaS company in history. Since the launch of the product in February 2014, Slack has been sought after by users and investors, becoming the fastest growing SaaS industry in history. In just one year, Slack's valuation reached $3 billion, which can be called the "unicorn" of the enterprise market.

Let's look at the possibility of Alibaba Pinpin acquiring Slack. First of all, make it clear that if you want to buy, it must be Alibaba Group. Ali has previously invested in a series of foreign companies, including e-commerce, social networking, games and other fields, covering almost all industries.

In the face of the reality that the consumer market is relatively saturated and unimaginative, the enterprise market is a big fat meat in front of Alibaba. We can learn a little about this from Alibaba's heavy investment in Alibaba Cloud business. In the SaaS market, although Alibaba is currently the best BAT company, it is obviously facing a lot of competitive pressure, especially the other BAT companies are also making efforts. Therefore, acquiring a company like Slack is the fastest way to occupy the market.

It is the best way to start from the relatively mature foreign market and play a role of benchmarking and demonstration, so as to gradually penetrate the domestic market. Of course, the premise is to have money.