Information Center

Huawei and Cisco win the bid to expand the capacity of China Telecom's CN2-DCI network expansion project


Recently, China Telecom announced the procurement results of some backbone routers from a single source in the 2019 CN2-DCI network expansion project. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. and Cisco (China) Co., Ltd. won the bid.


It is understood that the purchasers of this project are China Telecom Group Co., Ltd. and China Telecom Co., Ltd., and the procurement content is the expansion of the same model of the original bureau. According to the provisions of the Bidding Law of the People's Republic of China and the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Implementation of Bidding, If it is "necessary to purchase projects, goods or services from the original bid winner, otherwise the construction or functional requirements will be affected", it is necessary to purchase from the original bid winner.