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Gao Hongwei, deputy to the National People's Congress, contributed to the "China Plan" for the construction of the international industrial Internet


 Internet 11

"Original innovation is the key to the success of the development of the Chinese style industrial Internet. China's industrial Internet cannot copy the models and rules of any other country, and it must promote original innovation in the light of China's national conditions. In this regard, under the guidance of the competent government departments, Space Cloud Network made useful attempts and achieved initial results." During the two sessions, Gao Hongwei, a deputy to the National People's Congress, a member of the Science, Education, Culture and Health Committee of the National People's Congress, and the secretary of the Party Leadership Group and chairman of China Aerospace Science and Industry Group Co., Ltd., gave an exclusive interview to the People's Post and Telecommunications newspaper, and explained in detail the "China Plan" of aerospace science and industry's contribution to the construction of the international industrial Internet.

Focus on creating cloud manufacturing industry cluster ecology

Gao Hongwei told reporters that there are three ways to promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries and accelerate the digital, networked and intelligent transformation of the manufacturing industry: first, based on the perfect CPS (information physics system), starting from the intelligence of equipment, and gradually extending upward to the intelligence of production lines, workshops and factories, It can be called the German model to finally move towards the goal of Industry 4.0 by building an intelligent manufacturing platform. The second is to build a global online collaborative manufacturing and collaborative after-sales service platform in the vertical supporting system that basically realizes intelligent manufacturing, based on the distribution of offline global collaborative manufacturing division, and continue to maintain the leading position of the global manufacturing vertical division system, which can be called the American model. Third, under the premise that most enterprises do not have intelligent manufacturing capability, the enterprise's operation process has not completed the informatization transformation, and it is impossible to complete the intelligent transformation and informatization transformation in a short time, starting with the transformation of cloud manufacturing production mode, in the process of gradually carrying out the intelligent transformation of manufacturing capability and the informatization transformation of enterprise's operation process, Simultaneously carry out the adjustment and reform of enterprise system. The actual effect of the development of this model will be "gradually deepening from top to bottom", and finally realize the counter attack from cloud manufacturing to collaborative manufacturing, and from collaborative manufacturing to intelligent manufacturing.

The third development path is chosen by Space Cloud Network. That is to say, first build a public cloud platform in the industrial field, start from building a cloud manufacturing industry cluster ecosystem, first put the resource allocation and business process optimization of market players scattered in all corners of the country at the center, coordinate with the group transformation of China's manufacturing industry, focus on serving the transformation of the production mode of small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as the needs of enterprise organizational structure and enterprise system reform, From the three levels of "saving money, making money, and generating money" of cloud enterprises, efforts are made to create an ecosystem of cloud manufacturing industry clusters.

The answers given by the Aerospace Cloud Online in the past four years have preliminarily verified the practical rationality of the development path of the industrial Internet with Chinese characteristics and from top to bottom. The space cloud network model is not only a "space program" that "enables" the high-quality development, transformation and upgrading of China's manufacturing industry through "intelligence+", but also a "China program" that contributes to the construction of the international industrial Internet.

Through practice, spaceflight cloud network has become a national cross industry and cross domain industrial Internet platform. The space cloud network uses the system level industrial application of "one brain, one cabin, two rooms, two stations and one gold rush" to provide enterprise users in most countries and regions around the world with inclusive free services and personalized value-added services, and promote the ecological landing of cloud manufacturing industry clusters in "seven regions and nine cities" nationwide.

At the same time, the international cloud platform of Space Cloud Network has realized the online operation of seven foreign language environments. At present, the platform has formed dozens of flexible production collaborative manufacturing and intelligent transformation application practice cases, generally reducing the R&D and design cycle by 30% to 45%, improving production efficiency by 25% to 60%, reducing costs by 10% to 30%, and reducing labor by 30% to 60%, which has promoted the social integration and sharing, optimized configuration, and business collaboration of industrial services, industrial equipment, and industrial products. Aerospace Science and Industry formulated the world's first international standard for intelligent manufacturing service platform, and was approved as "Industrial Internet Innovation and Development Project", "Internet+" US server Artificial intelligence innovation and other national demonstration projects.

Gao Hongwei said that the construction and development of the industrial Internet platform is a process of iterative optimization and continuous upgrading. The two-way continuous innovation based on the "supply side" and "demand side" is the starting point of Aerospace Cloud Network. With the improvement of the platform's infrastructure and the increase of users, the space cloud network has entered a market-oriented development stage with practical applications as the main driving force and the quality of user experience as the main criteria for testing the effectiveness of work.

In the future, Space Cloud Network is committed to building and conserving the cloud manufacturing industry cluster ecology based on industrial Internet. The resulting CMSS ecosystem is composed of application providers, users and operators. The three parties form an ecosystem of mutual benefit and win-win results. The purpose is to build an open and shared innovation ecosystem and provide a stable and reliable package of solutions for digital transformation of enterprises and cloud transformation of industries.

Accelerate the digital, networked and intelligent transformation of manufacturing industry

How to further promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries and accelerate the digital, networked and intelligent transformation of manufacturing industry? How to do a good job in the big article of deep integration of informatization and industrialization?

Gao Hongwei has his own opinions. He said that using the industrial Internet and the advanced tools, methods and means provided by the new generation of technology contained in it to re enable China's traditional manufacturing industry will produce a series of unprecedented innovative achievements: First, the organizational form of enterprises will change greatly. Some conventional internal management functions in the traditional hierarchical "pyramid" enterprise organizational structure will be replaced by the shared resource transaction function on the industrial Internet platform, and the enterprise organization will become "small and refined". Second, the enterprise form will rapidly evolve to both "maximization" and "minimization": the maximization platform will include the vertical and horizontal business data of the industrial chain, and form a super industrial ecology through data mining applications, covering the entire industry and even all industries; Minimization means that the enterprises on the platform are miniaturized and miniaturized through capacity collaboration and resource sharing by virtue of more refined and socialized professional division of labor. Third, the OEM of general manufacturing process will continue to develop until there are only a few OEM giants left in the world, and brand enterprises will gradually become "hollow" (stronger than creative design and marketing). Fourth, the traditional "independent" enterprises will gradually fade out of the market. Platform based enterprises will work closely with specialized enterprises on the platform to squeeze the traditional "independent" enterprises out of the market one by one with the most professional design, the most complete ability and the lowest cost. A batch of new manufacturing enterprises that are asset light and operate efficiently will spread all over the world.

Encourage small and micro industrial enterprises and science and innovation enterprises to open factories online

How to take the lead in the new round of transformation and upgrading of the global manufacturing industry and take the initiative in its own development?

Gao Hongwei suggested that the state should support competent industrial Internet platform enterprises to build cross industry and cross domain full business chain industrial Internet platforms; It is suggested that the state encourage more small and micro industrial enterprises, science and technology innovation enterprises, and science and technology innovation personnel to open factories online, and take a key step to integrate into the industrial Internet industry ecology; It is suggested that the state should actively embed the government's supervision and service functions (such as industry and commerce, taxation, quality inspection, production safety and other functions) into the cross industry and cross domain full business chain industrial Internet platform to lay the foundation for the establishment of a modern socialist market economy system; It is suggested that the state should actively access all kinds of public resources that can be shared (education, science and technology, culture, health care, law and other resources) to the industrial Internet platform to facilitate enterprises to use these public resources, avoid repeated investment in the same resources everywhere, and add new meaning to "green development" and "shared development".