Information Center

Digital Crossroads Appoints Director of Data Center Operations


Digital Crossroads, located in the Lake Michigan data center currently under construction in Hammond, recently announced the appointment of David Hood as the director of operations.

Hood has brought more than 24 years of telecom and data center management experience to the project. In his most recent position, he was the director of operations at Netrality Properties, responsible for overseeing the development of the Chicago data center space. Previously, he served as the manager of the network operation center in New Continuum Holdings, responsible for implementing bandwidth and network upgrades in the specially built data center space.

Hood has more than ten years of experience in telecommunications infrastructure, which will be an important aspect of Hammond's future development of new facilities. Hood was President and CEO of Backplane Integrated Networks, Hong Kong server More than 200 miles of rural broadband were designed in Indiana under TARP funding. He is also frequently involved in several design and engineering projects designed to support future capacity requirements.

Hood said, "I am very happy to start work and build such a basic level to change the operation mode of the data center and have an impact on the environment, which will be very wonderful."

"In terms of technology and operation of management facilities, Hood's skills are second to none. We are very happy to be with them, "said Peter Feldman, CEO of Digital Crossroads.

"Mayor Tom McDermott of Hammond and Governor Eric Holcomb of Indiana have made major commitments to create technological jobs in Indiana," said Tom Dakich of Digital Crossroads. "Part of the reason for building the data center in this area is that the state has a strong economy and has the opportunity to become part of the technological community of Indiana's emerging countries."

The first phase of the Digital Crossroads project is already under construction. It is a data center with an investment of 40 million dollars and an area of 105000 square feet. It will include a data center and a shared space technology incubator. Eventually, the project is likely to develop into a $200 million complex with multiple buildings that can be used for the most advanced data calculation and storage.