Information Center

Huayun data: "positive hybrid cloud" creates a cloud road for enterprises


With the rapid development of cloud computing business, the patent dispute between domestic and foreign cloud computing enterprises has become increasingly fierce. In technical fields such as cloud computing, patent reserves often represent the latest technological strength of enterprises. This issue of "Zhihui Huayun" column of Huayun Data will focus on the "positive hybrid cloud" view, and share the latest technology and cutting-edge views in the cloud computing field with everyone.

Data is the "crude oil" of the global digital economy. Cloud computing, the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and other hot spots make data explode. The trend of data explosion drives the growing demand for cloud solutions. According to IDC's prediction, by 2020, the global total data will exceed 40ZB, of which China will account for about 8.6ZB, accounting for 21%.

In the era of data explosion, enterprises are facing the key challenges of IT digital transformation. The original system performance has encountered bottlenecks. The architecture is not unified, resulting in a sharp increase in the difficulty of operation and maintenance management. Business continuity requirements are increasingly high, and data protection means are single. The business system expands rapidly, but the original IT architecture and resources cannot be expanded as needed. The original business structure is complex, planning is difficult, equipment procurement and business launch cycle is long, and work efficiency is reduced.

Therefore, more and more enterprises choose to embark on the cloud journey and choose to adopt a hybrid cloud strategy. By adopting the hybrid cloud strategy, enterprises can achieve the balance of benefits and risks through standardized service operations and workloads and free deployment. The survey of China Academy of Information and Communication Research shows that in 2017, the proportion of Chinese enterprises adopting hybrid cloud was 12.1%, and it is expected that the proportion of hybrid cloud applications in China will increase significantly in the next few years. IDC predicts that hybrid cloud will occupy 67% of the whole cloud market share in the world in the future. It can be seen that the hybrid cloud form will be adopted by more and more enterprises.

With the development of cloud computing, it is difficult for a pure public cloud or private cloud to meet the needs of existing businesses. Enterprises need multiple cloud environments to coexist to adapt to new business development. While deploying Internet applications and providing the best performance, hybrid cloud solutions can also ensure the security and reliability of private cloud local data centers. At the same time, the hybrid cloud transforms the enterprise IT operation mode from infrastructure as the core to application as the core, enabling enterprise IT to find the "best place to deploy applications" by combining local traditional data centers and cloud services.

The advantages of public cloud are very good scalability, agility, low cost, and flexibility. Private cloud can effectively control data confidentiality, data security, and service quality. Its biggest feature is security and privatization, which is the basis of customized solutions. It is a very good choice for enterprises that have requirements for data security and stability. Hybrid cloud has both security and elastic scalability, and can realize workload migration.

For Chinese enterprises, the size of China's private cloud market reached 42.68 billion yuan in 2017, an increase of 23.8% over 2016. Among the surveyed enterprises, 67.2% and 51% chose to use private cloud due to high security and controllability. Many industry customers, state-owned enterprises, public institutions, and secret related units choose to use private cloud to start their journey on the cloud.

Proceeding from the current status of cloud access of Chinese enterprises, Tan Ruizhong, Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer of Huayun Data, said that "positive hybrid cloud" of Huayun Data is based on the current status of enterprise private cloud, integrates the capabilities of public cloud, builds a public cloud and hybrid cloud environment for enterprise customers, and meets the needs of enterprises to expand, easy to manage, secure and controllable information upgrading solutions, Help enterprises improve their ability to transform industries digitally.

The so-called "positive hybrid cloud" is an IT transformation that starts from private cloud, focuses on private cloud, and extends to public cloud. It is characterized by taking enterprise IT governance as the core, providing platforms and products for innovation and continuous resource optimization, and paying more attention to security. The "reverse hybrid cloud" is a light IT governance model dominated by public cloud, supplemented by private cloud, and led by developers. "Forward hybrid cloud" is more applicable to traditional industries such as industrial manufacturing, energy, transportation, education, finance, etc., while the typical industry scenario of "reverse hybrid cloud" is dominated by the Internet.

The "positive hybrid cloud" of Huayun data can dock with local private cloud, support docking with mainstream public cloud resources, and achieve unified management of enterprise IaaS cloud computing environment resources ® The 4.0 platform can complete the management of local physical resources, virtual resources and public cloud resources, improve the management ability of IT personnel, simplify management work, and reduce the complexity and management costs of the IT environment; High availability management mode supports real-time monitoring, dynamic migration, optimizing business operation performance and improving stability; Self service cloud services can provide enterprises with secure and isolated resources, and improve the overall security and responsiveness of IT business.

The one-stop "positive hybrid cloud" platform of Huayun data includes configuration center, application management center, cloud management platform, intelligent operation and maintenance center, etc., to ensure application migration and platform security. Customers can run core businesses on the private cloud platform, migrate non core businesses to the public cloud platform, provide users with a consistent application integration platform, adopt consistent management tools through unified identity authentication, support two-way backup and disaster recovery, integrate traditional mode and cloud mode storage, and achieve network interconnection between public and private clouds.

"Forward hybrid cloud" can be widely used in private cloud scenarios, disaster recovery, data backup, and unified multi cloud management. It provides compliance support such as cloud and other guarantees, optimizes the application experience, and has both flexibility and security. For customers, developers can speed up application development and release iterations, reduce complexity, cost and security risks, and improve development agility and quality; For IT operation and maintenance and architecture, provide a standardized integration platform, significantly improve IT agility and service quality, effectively control IT costs, and avoid binding cloud service providers; For the business department, it can achieve a higher level of business insight and collaboration, and improve innovation capability.

At present, the "positive hybrid cloud" solution of Huayun data has been widely used in more than a dozen industries, including rail transit, finance, education, manufacturing, agriculture, etc., and has been recognized by more than 300000 customers, including Red Sun Group, Ipsos Group, Shanghai Lingang, National Supercomputing Guangzhou Center, Shenzhen Jinjia Group, School of Computer Science of University of Science and Technology of China, and China Ordnance Materials Group. In the future, Huayun Data will continue to provide "cloud power" for Chinese enterprises based on a deep understanding of the industry.