Information Center

Big data analysis: the development trend of cloud computing in 2017


Trend 1: Cloud computing enterprises will strengthen the construction of cloud ecosystem

The giants are building a "I" oriented cloud ecosystem to strengthen their control over the cloud computing industry. Alibaba Cloud promotes the cloud cooperation plan, plans to recruit 10000 cloud service providers, and jointly build an ecosystem to provide one-stop cloud services for enterprises, governments and other users.

Tencent Cloud released the "Cloud+Plan", investing 10 billion yuan in five years to build a cloud platform and build an ecosystem, attracting long tail enterprises in the cloud computing industry chain. Inspur released the "Yunteng Plan", which plans to develop more than 3000 partners in three years. Huawei Enterprise Cloud has reached cooperation with more than 100 leading partners in various industries and more than 20 cities in China to expand industrial applications and computing capabilities.

LeEco Cloud releases six scenarios of cloud resources, cloud videos, cloud applications, cloud distribution, cloud marketing, and cloud data, and is committed to creating a video cloud ecosystem, and building a business value chain and ecosystem of content, distribution, and even users carried on the cloud. Baidu launched the "Cloud Map Plan" to work with industry partners to build an ecosystem. It plans to invest 10 billion yuan in five years to build Baidu's cloud platform and ecosystem.

Cloud ecology will probably become a symbol of the competitiveness of the cloud computing industry. In 2017, manufacturers will substantially promote the construction of cloud ecology, and more cloud computing enterprises will launch cloud ecological strategies.

Trend 2: Price war will accelerate the survival of the fittest cloud computing enterprises

The price war led by domestic and foreign cloud computing giants has continued in recent years. According to the research of research institutions, major cloud computing manufacturers said they would follow suit. The price reduction is conducive to the faster popularization of cloud computing, will accelerate the evolution of China's cloud computing market, and will also directly affect the revenue of cloud computing enterprises, which may accelerate the speed of industry reshuffle. Alibaba Cloud lowered the price of its products 17 times in the middle of 2016. Such price reductions inevitably put pressure on small and medium-sized cloud manufacturers, and even gradually lost their competitiveness and were eliminated. Taking the U.S. market as an example, the price decline driven by major cloud computing vendors has led to market integration. After several rounds of price cuts, dozens of cloud service providers in the United States have become the current three leaders.

In 2017, with the continuation of the price war, the survival of the fittest cloud computing enterprises will begin to emerge.

Trend 3: The banking industry will steadily accelerate the process of cloud deployment

In July 2016, the CBRC issued the Guidance on the Supervision of the 13th Five Year Plan for the Development of Information Technology in China's Banking Industry (Draft for Comments), which proposed that banking financial institutions should steadily carry out cloud computing applications. By the end of the 13th Five Year Plan, all important information systems facing Internet scenarios will be migrated to the cloud computing architecture platform, and the migration ratio of other systems will not be less than 60%. The successful cases of Evergrande Bank's cloud application and earlier WeBank's cloud computing technology to build business systems will also play a demonstration role in the banking industry's cloud application.

In 2017, driven by policies, relevant regulatory rules and standards will be implemented and improved, cloud computing technologies and solutions for banking business will be more mature and secure, and more banks will start the cloud process based on business needs.

Trend 4: Management services for multi cloud services will appear

Research institute survey shows that at present, many enterprises use cloud services provided by multiple cloud manufacturers. First, to mitigate risks, when one supplier goes down, other suppliers can provide services; Second, in order to reduce the total cost, the prices of some services or products of the providers are different from each other, and the combination with lower cost can be selected through multi cloud. As enterprises increasingly use cloud services provided by multiple cloud vendors, some cloud management problems also arise. For example, some applications need to be migrated in heterogeneous environments, some need to be deployed in multiple heterogeneous cloud environments, some need to run across clouds and networks, and some need to perform disaster recovery and recovery across clouds. At present, similar management problems are mainly handled by manpower, which brings a lot of workload.

In order to solve the above problems, a cloud management platform that facilitates the management and control of multi cloud resources will appear, providing unified management, service integration, cost management, usage statistics and analysis and other functions for multi cloud used by enterprises, enabling flexible deployment of applications to different cloud environments, and dynamic migration of applications in different cloud environments.

Trend 5: Blockchain related cloud computing products and services will emerge

The development, testing and deployment of blockchain technology and applications are relatively complex, and the threshold is still high. Cloud computing has the advantages of flexible expansion of resources, low cost, high reliability, etc. It can help enterprises develop and deploy blockchain quickly and cheaply, promote the maturity of blockchain technology, and promote the expansion of blockchain from finance to more fields. In November 2015, Microsoft provided blockchain as a service (BaaS) on the Azure cloud platform and officially opened it to the public in August 2016, helping developers create blockchain environments in a simple and efficient way. IBM also announced the launch of the blockchain service platform in February 2016 to help developers create, deploy, run and monitor blockchain applications on the IBM cloud.

As blockchain gradually moves towards application, more cloud computing enterprises will launch blockchain related products and services.

Trend 6: Cloud services in industry segments will become a way for SMEs to survive

The international and domestic cloud computing markets are always strong, but at the same time, it can be seen that the cloud services provided by the major giants have a certain degree of homogeneity, while the user needs are diverse, and the major giants can not meet the specific needs of various users. With the continuous improvement of the cloud computing industry ecological chain, the division of labor in the industry shows a trend of refinement. From the game cloud, the government cloud, the medical cloud, to the rapidly growing video cloud in 2016, all reflect the development potential of the industry cloud.

In the white hot competition situation of cloud computing, small and medium-sized manufacturers need to target users' refined needs and provide differentiated cloud services such as industry cloud to gain competitive advantages.

Trend 7: More data centers will be put into construction

With the continuous expansion of the cloud computing market, especially the rapid growth of the cloud computing business of the giants, cloud computing providers need to build more data centers to meet business needs. For example, Google announced in April 2016 that it would build 12 new data centers around the world by the end of 2017 to improve its cloud service space. In addition, cloud computing providers need to build data centers in specific countries or regions, such as Germany, Canada, Japan, the United Kingdom and the Middle East, in order to comply with local data sovereignty laws. Domestically, the construction of the "Internet+" strategy, big data strategy and big data comprehensive pilot area has entered the stage of promotion and implementation, and needs more support from data centers.

All regions attach great importance to strategic emerging industries such as big data and cloud computing. Most provinces and cities have issued big data related plans and implementation plans, in which cloud computing has been deployed, and many preferential policies have been given to the introduction of data centers. Hardware manufacturers, operators and local cooperation in big data and cloud computing have also entered the promotion stage, A large number of data centers are being or will be constructed nationwide, and China's data centers will still be in a period of rapid construction and development.

Trend 8: The application of container technology will become more popular

Container service has the advantages of fast deployment, more agile development and testing, high system utilization, and low resource cost. With the maturity and acceptance of container technology, container technology will be more widely used by users. Container technologies such as Google's Container Engine, AWS's Elastic Container Service, and Microsoft's Azure Container Service are becoming more mature, and the container cluster management platform is also more perfect. Tools such as Kubernetes can help users achieve container transformation of network, security, and storage functions. Domestically, companies actively practice and users' acceptance of container technology has been improved. According to the data of research institutions, nearly 87% of users said they would consider using container technology.

It is expected that containers will be more widely deployed in 2017.

Trend 9: Enterprise cloud process will be further accelerated

Under the promotion of a series of strategies such as "Internet+" and "Made in China 2025" and the urgent need of enterprises' own transformation and upgrading, enterprises are paying more and more attention to the application of information technology. Cloud computing is undoubtedly a "sharp tool" for enterprises to deploy information applications more quickly, and many industry enterprises have played a good demonstration role in successfully going to the cloud. The domestic cloud computing service capability is improving day by day, and the price is declining, providing better conditions for enterprises to go to the cloud. According to the research data of CNNIC, by the end of 2016, the proportion of cloud computing in research enterprises had reached 21.4%, 50% higher than that in 2015, with a significant growth trend. In addition, according to the report released by IDG in November 2016, 70% of the surveyed enterprises currently run at least one cloud application, and 90% of the enterprises that do not use cloud applications plan to use cloud applications in the next 12 months or 1-3 years.

Boosted by favorable policies, digital transformation of enterprises and accelerated development of cloud computing industry, enterprises will further accelerate the pace of cloud deployment in 2017.

Trend 10: Enterprise level SaaS services move towards personalized customization

According to incomplete statistics, by the end of 2016, there were nearly 400 entrepreneurial projects in various fields of domestic enterprise level SaaS cloud services, involving more than 20 fields, including enterprise reimbursement, enterprise business travel CRM、ERP、HR、OA、 Collaboration office, cashier payment, attendance management, etc. In almost every field of enterprise management, there are many vertical SaaS service solutions. Enterprise customers have more choices, so they will put forward higher requirements for the use experience. With the continuous upgrading of cloud services, the unified cloud services can no longer fully meet the needs of enterprises. Different industries and enterprises need more targeted solutions. Customized and personalized cloud services will better solve the pain points of enterprise management and win the market. At present, some enterprises have carried out relevant layout. For example, Wallet Cloud can customize different modular services according to different needs of enterprises.

In 2017, more enterprises will launch personalized and customized SaaS services.