Information Center

Amazon will expand its data center business in Canada


Amazon is expanding its core business in Canada's data center, stepping up recruitment and expanding its data center north of the border.

Jeffrey, head of Amazon Web Services in Canada and Latin America. Jeffrey Kratz said in an interview in Toronto on Tuesday: "We will continue to listen to what our customers ask us to do and continue to invest in Canada. We have just started."


With the prominence of privacy and security issues, the demand for local servers has increased. Amazon and its competitor Google have intensified their competition in the Canadian cloud service market. Last year, most of Amazon's operating revenue came from cloud computing. The sales of Amazon's web services increased by 55% in 2016, while the profit doubled.

Promoting web services is only one part of Amazon's expansion of its data center business in Canada. In December 2016, Amazon also set up local data centers for customers who do not want to store their information on American servers, and introduced other services.