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Ali Heavy Fund Investment Digital Dream Workshop Layout PaaS Moves Whose Cheese


As for hybrid cloud solutions, Wang Wei said that the number of dream factory solutions of hybrid cloud not only lies in that public cloud passes through private cloud, but also provides infrastructure layer, data service layer, hybrid cross cloud application service layer, multi-dimensional and multi-level security layer at the end of integration from the application scenario.
Cloud security solutions, especially those mentioned in several programs independently developed by Wang Wei's DreamWorks. In the cloud scenario, several Dreamworks deliver cloud security solutions covering the network layer, application layer, host layer and data layer to users through the industry integrating cloud security and excellent security products. Cloud platforms, cloud tenants or cloud regulators, such as different levels of security protection capabilities, security capabilities, operations, security incident handling, and security situational awareness.
But in practice, it has been quite good in the industry. The current market of DreamWorks, which was founded in, is underestimated. For example, the number of Dreamworks enterprises accounts for more than half of the government cloud. With the development trend of the government cloud market, the number of Dreamworks is from the southeast to the middle of China, radiating to the north. The number of Dreamworks has won more than a dozen provincial government cloud platform construction projects in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Gansu, Henan. In this regard, the number of Wu Jingchuan interviewed by the chairman and CEO of DreamWorks in the Chinese circle, and the promotion of government cloud to the whole country, first of all, is the idea of a new network architecture accepted in the region. She emphasized that the number of Dreamworks, the "data based on the principle of", the circulation of cloud, the Internet, security and controllability "16 word strategic platform, established a new network architecture for users, adhered to the concept of" consensus and mutual transformation, and the new ecological construction based on the Internet ", and constantly developed new business customers to provide leading Internet openness