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The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission jointly issued a document to promote the speed increase and cost reduction and the development of the real economy


Issued by: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council

Title: Opinions of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council on the Implementation of the 2017 Special Action to Deeply Promote Speed Increase and Fee Reduction and Promote the Development of the Real Economy

Document No.: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Liantongxin [2017] No. 82

Written on: May 16, 2017

Release date: 2017-05-16

Source: Information and Communication Development Division

Classification: communication development

Opinions of the two departments on the implementation of the 2017 special action to further promote the speed increase and cost reduction and promote the development of the real economy

Opinions of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council on the Implementation of the 2017 Special Action to Deeply Promote Speed Increase and Fee Reduction and Promote the Development of the Real Economy

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Liantongxin [2017] No. 82

The competent departments of industry and informatization of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities specifically designated in the state plan, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, communication administrations of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, and relevant enterprises:

Broadband network is a national strategic public infrastructure, which plays an important supporting role in promoting economic transformation and upgrading, social progress and improving people's livelihood. In order to implement a series of major decisions and arrangements made by the Party Central Committee and the State Council, practice the concept of innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development, accelerate the establishment of high-speed and smooth broadband network infrastructure and service system covering urban and rural areas, with high quality and low price, and convenient services, promote the in-depth development of "Internet+" and accelerate the growth of the digital economy, We will continue to strengthen the role of broadband networks in the strategic public infrastructure in economic and social development, so that enterprises can benefit widely and the masses can benefit generally. We have decided to organize and implement the 2017 special action to further promote speed increase and cost reduction, and promote the development of the real economy. The following opinions are put forward on relevant work:

1、 Increase investment in telecommunications infrastructure and build a high-speed and smooth network

(1) We will continue to promote the deployment of high-speed broadband networks. Encourage enterprises to increase investment and further promote the construction of high-speed broadband network infrastructure. Further expand the coverage of optical fiber networks, encourage enterprises to deploy gigabit optical fiber broadband networks, and urban areas basically have broadband access capacity of more than 100 megabytes. Expand the breadth and depth of 4G network coverage, further eliminate coverage blind spots, accelerate the deployment of carrier aggregation and other 4G evolution technologies, and improve high-speed mobile broadband network access experience. Continue to carry out the second phase test of 5G technology research and development.

(2) Simultaneously improve the capabilities of MAN and backbone network. Encourage enterprises to promote the deployment of high-capacity transmission network technology, accelerate the expansion of MAN and backbone network, improve node processing capacity, and improve network carrying capacity; Actively introduce and deploy software defined network (SDN), network function virtualization (NFV) and other technologies to improve network intelligent scheduling capability and effectively improve network access performance.

(3) Continuously improve the performance of inter network and international access. We will continue to optimize the network architecture of the Internet backbone network and expand the bandwidth between Internet networks. In 2017, Hangzhou, Fuzhou and Guiyang were completed. Three national level Internet backbone direct connection points were built in Gui'an, and the inter network bandwidth was expanded by 1000G to improve the quality of inter network communication. Strengthen overall planning and coordination, promote the expansion of international Internet access bandwidth, steadily expand the scale of direct network connection between basic telecom enterprises and overseas telecom enterprises, and gradually improve the international Internet access experience. Encourage enterprises to meet the needs of the "Belt and Road" globalization strategy, and accelerate the layout, optimization and upgrading of overseas networks, data centers and content distribution nodes.

(4) We will work hard to improve the service capacity of Internet websites. Internet enterprises are encouraged to enhance website service capability and access bandwidth guarantee, and optimize server policy configuration. Support enterprises to accelerate the construction of content distribution networks and promote the extension of content distribution functions to the edge of the network. Guide enterprises to push hot content that users pay attention to to network edge nodes to improve user access experience. Publish the ranking of Internet enterprise access performance indicators.

(5) We will steadily promote the pilot program of universal telecommunications services. We will continue to organize and implement the pilot project of universal telecommunications services, focus on supporting broadband construction in central and western provinces, poor areas, and old revolutionary base areas, and deploy 30000 administrative villages (including 8000 poor villages) to connect optical fibers in 2017. Encourage enterprises to use optical fiber access, 4G and other technologies to promote the extension of broadband networks to natural villages.

(6) Accelerate the end-to-end penetration of IPv6 in the mobile Internet. Promote enterprises to strengthen the upgrading and transformation of LTE core network, bearer network, support system, etc. All links of the network have IPv6 carrying capacity and start related functions; Basic telecom enterprises fully support IPv6 in their main proprietary business systems, guide mobile intelligent terminals and mobile Internet applications to support IPv6 protocol, and promote end-to-end connectivity of IPv6 in LTE networks. Continue to promote the application of IPv6 in the Internet of Things, Industrial Internet, Internet of Vehicles and other fields.

2、 Deeply tap the potential of broadband network cost reduction and promote the popularization of broadband

(7) Stimulate the vitality of market competition. We will introduce formal commercial opinions on mobile resale business in due time, accelerate the development of mobile resale market, further expand the pilot scope of broadband access network business, and fully release the innovation vitality of private capital. Strengthen the guidance on wholesale prices of mobile resale business, and strengthen the supervision on service quality and real name system. Promote the popularization of universal mobile phone standards. We will study and promote the trial of roaming across different networks between different basic telecommunications enterprises across the country, and improve the network coverage of the country, especially in remote areas.

(8) Promote the reduction of tariff level. Support basic telecom enterprises to completely eliminate domestic long-distance and roaming charges for mobile phones; The price level of dedicated Internet access for "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" bases and small, medium-sized and micro enterprises will be significantly reduced to help people start businesses and innovate. We will support basic telecommunications enterprises to work together to increase international settlement price negotiations with overseas telecommunications enterprises, and continue to reduce international toll charges. Encourage enterprises to further simplify the tariff scheme and optimize the package design.

(9) Popularize high-speed broadband applications. Promote the popularization of optical broadband users and 4G users in all regions, and actively promote the innovative application and popularization of broadband in education, medical care, pension, transportation, social management and other fields. By the end of 2017, the national penetration rate of fixed broadband households reached 63%, and the penetration rate of mobile broadband users reached 75%. More than 85% of fixed broadband users used broadband access services above 20Mbps, and more than 50% of users used broadband access services above 50Mbps.

(10) Assist in poverty alleviation. Coordinate and promote the effective connection between the pilot project of universal telecommunications services and the network poverty alleviation task, the poverty alleviation plan and other tasks, and promote the coordinated development of the construction of optical broadband and 4G networks in rural areas and the informatization of public services, rural e-commerce, smart agriculture, homecoming and entrepreneurship and other work. Encourage enterprises to launch targeted preferential packages for poor groups.

3、 Encourage broadband application integration and innovation to accelerate economic transformation and upgrading

(11) Accelerate the commercial promotion of cellular Internet of Things. In view of the application needs of the cellular Internet of Things, enterprises are encouraged to accelerate the technological transformation of broadband network infrastructure such as fiber broadband and LTE enhancement, expand the deployment scale of the cellular Internet of Things with low latency, high reliability and wide coverage, and accelerate the commercial process of the narrowband Internet of Things (NB IoT). Expand the application of cellular IoT in industrial Internet, urban public service and management, and support the development of innovative businesses such as smart factories and smart connected vehicles.

(12) Improve the "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" service capability. We will guide basic telecommunications enterprises to optimize the deep coverage of fiber broadband and 4G networks in the industrial cluster area, increase support for places such as maker spaces and incubators, and generally speed up broadband access to "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" bases. Support large Internet enterprises and basic telecommunications enterprises to build "entrepreneurship and innovation" service platforms for small and medium-sized enterprises, open networks, platforms and other advantageous resources, reduce the entrepreneurial costs of small and medium-sized enterprises and entrepreneurs, and help the development of "Internet+" and "entrepreneurship and innovation".

4、 Optimize the policy environment for speed increase and cost reduction to ensure the healthy development of the industry

(13) Improve policy support. Further optimize the administrative approval process of telecommunications business and improve the efficiency of approval. Promote local governments to incorporate the special planning of communication infrastructure into the overall urban planning and regulatory detailed planning, implement the requirements of the national standard of fiber to the home for new residential buildings, strengthen the co construction and sharing of fiber to the home facilities and equipment in existing buildings, deeply promote the solution of the "last mile" problem of broadband access, and gradually establish a mechanism for equal consultation among enterprises and fair access of multiple enterprises, Protect users' free choice of broadband services. Encourage local governments to further strengthen the protection of broadband network infrastructure, open all kinds of public facilities, and create convenient conditions for the construction and access of broadband network facilities. We will continue to optimize the assessment of telecommunications enterprises and encourage them to further implement speed increase and cost reduction.

(14) Strengthen market supervision. Implement the "Escort Plan" for the information and communication market and promote the construction of enterprise credit system. We will crack down on violations of laws and regulations such as substandard broadband access rate, user traffic theft, and forced bundling sales, investigate and deal with illegal business practices such as unlicensed business, business beyond the scope of business, and layer upon layer sublease and resale, and standardize the business promotion of broadband access products, uplink rate configuration standards, and service agreements. We will improve market competition rules, coordinate and handle disputes between basic telecommunications enterprises and Internet enterprises in key and hot areas, and maintain a fair and orderly market order.

(15) Strengthen information disclosure. Local communication regulatory authorities and basic telecommunications enterprises should disclose the annual targets for speed increase and cost reduction, work measures and completion progress in a timely manner, and accept social supervision. Support the industrial alliance and other third-party institutions to carry out network speed and network quality monitoring, and release rankings of broadband popularity, broadband network speed, Internet website performance, etc. Urge telecom enterprises to set up tariff zones in prominent positions on official websites to publicize and update business tariffs in a timely manner, improve the monitoring of telecom tariff levels, and publish international rankings in a timely manner. Improve technical means, and timely announce the progress of the pilot work of universal telecommunications services.

(16) Strengthen supervision and inspection. Basic telecom enterprises regularly conduct self-examination on the implementation of the Company's measures to increase speed and reduce fees, and report relevant information in a timely manner. Local communication supervision departments shall strengthen the supervision and inspection of the completion of the target task of speed increase and cost reduction in the region. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, together with relevant departments, formed a special inspection team to carry out key special inspections, strengthen the guidance, supervision and inspection of the pilot project of universal telecommunications services, and ensure the completion of the annual construction goals.

(17) Do a good job of publicity. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, local communication administrations, and enterprises should publicize the progress and implementation results of speed increase and fee reduction, accept the supervision of public opinion, find and solve problems in a timely manner, take the initiative to answer questions and clarify doubts, actively respond to social concerns, and create a good atmosphere of public opinion.