Information Center

Alibaba Cloud makes the greatest effort to reduce prices, and a new round of price war for public cloud begins?


Alibaba Cloud has indeed recently made the biggest price reduction in history, with an average price reduction of more than 20%, involving more than 100 products and more than 500 product specifications, with a maximum reduction of 55%. This price reduction covers all core products such as computing, storage, and database. Among them, OSS for object storage has the highest decline, and the five-year cost of several products has decreased by 55%. Liu Weiguang, a senior vice president of Alibaba Cloud, emphasized the breadth and strength of the price reduction, and believed that it was the largest range of products involved in history, the largest beneficiary group, and the first time that customers were granted interest on the outstanding part of stock orders.

Alibaba Cloud's price reduction will undoubtedly have a significant impact on the public cloud market. First, as one of the largest cloud service providers in China, Alibaba Cloud's price reduction strategy may lead to the follow-up of other cloud service providers, thus triggering a new round of price war in the public cloud market. This will help drive the competition in the whole industry to intensify, and urge cloud service providers to continuously improve service quality and reduce costs.

However, it should also be noted that price war is not a long-term solution. Cloud service providers need to pay attention to the improvement of product quality and service level while lowering prices. In addition, with the continuous development of cloud computing technology and the intensification of market competition, cloud service providers also need to continue to innovate to meet the growing needs of customers.

In general, Alibaba Cloud's price reduction measures may trigger a new round of price war in the public cloud market, but it will also promote the competition and development of the industry. At the same time, cloud service providers also need to maintain the quality of products and services while reducing prices to achieve sustainable development.