Information Center

Orient Financial Information: Release the competitiveness of "soft and hard dual core" and turn data into assets


"The view that data is an asset has become the consensus of the industry. Today, with the promotion of the government, the domestic big data market will usher in a new round of explosion." As a big data platform and the solution of enterprise leaders, Mr. Wang Weizhe, CEO of Orient Financial Information Company, told reporters that the interview in China, confidence in the future development of the industry.
Mr. Wang Weizhe, CEO, Beijing Orient Jinxin Technology Co., Ltd
Create "hard and soft dual core" competitiveness
The number of domestic manufacturers entering the big data market is very large. The big data solution provided by Jinxin Oriental covers the big data collection, data storage, data management, data calculation, data analysis and data mining application links of all industrial chains. Compared with big data manufacturers, Dongfang Jinxin has the advantage of "soft and hard core competitiveness".
From the collected data, the core strength of the analysis results is our products. We have a platform, which is completely self-developed products, including data processing models. The above is explained from the underlying storage, data models, and business models. We have our own artificial intelligence platform, Stanford Institute of Engineering, and Science III, Chinese Academy of Sciences. We have established a laboratory dedicated to; The method summarized by the soft core force in the data industry. " Wang Weizhe told reporters.
Indeed, data can show visual beauty. At last, the most powerful supporting basic technology that works behind the scenes is the core of Orient Financial Information. As the core product of the data platform based on which Dongfang Jinxin distributed, Seabox Big Data product suite includes self-developed large-scale database platform, big data analysis system, distributed storage system and artificial intelligence platform, providing customers with comprehensive data collection, storage and service package application analysis. In fact, there are many so-called platforms in China, but an open source framework cannot be directly used as a production system. Wang Weizhe said, "In this open source platform, our new code has exceeded 20 million. This is our core product accumulated by ourselves, which is also the fundamental reason why our one-time data center alliance data platform is based on a large number of tests, capability tests and performance tests. Large companies like us have mastered the core technology of data. In China, the number will not exceed three. "
In February this year, the listed Gartner of Dongfang Jinxin was the release of international mainstream manufacturers. That is to say, we have to mention the technical team. The core data developer technical team comes from Google,,,, and other enterprises. Mining capability analysis has rich research capabilities and distributed data.
Then, how to compete for "soft core" industry data for "dual core", and how to understand Orient Financial Information? It is understood that Dongfang Jinxin has a group of senior figures in the data industry who have deployed big data in engineering practice, and Dongfang Jinxin has adopted the "three line" theory. Based on platform, architecture, data standards, data quality and metadata management. Then, according to the development of project business, promote according to the technical route, data line and application line to achieve better results. Wang Weizhe stressed that data association must be carried out in the early stage of the project so that subsequent business applications can support reflection.
Government big data is in the ascendant
The financial and telecom big data analysis industry has the largest demand. After, the government began to pay attention to the big data industry. Especially the big data development action plan, the government's big data market demand is very strong. From the complex situation in the east, the two users in the government and financial industry are growing fastest, and the government and industry will become the largest in the big data industry. In this regard, Wang Weizhe also introduced some application scenarios.
On the whole, what government big data can do can be summarized as Huimin County, Xingye and good governance. Big data can provide convenient services for people, promote regional economic growth, and help the government improve its workflow. In the implementation of the project, four libraries should be built first: population base, corporate database, geographic information database and macroeconomic database. Take the population of the library as an example. For example, if Dongfang Jinxin is a port library, the population of the library can get through