Information Center

The UPS failure caused the cooling equipment to shut down. Microsoft's Azure cloud service in Japan was interrupted


Recently, Microsoft's Azure cloud service in Japan was affected due to a cooling problem in the data center managed by a third party.

The affected Azure services include virtual machine and cloud storage, including API management, backup, site recovery, IoT Hub, SQL database, Azure machine learning and Azure notification center.


"The accident was caused by the UPS system (uninterruptible power supply system) leading to the failure of the air conditioning system in the data center, which led to the continuous rise of the temperature in the entire data center." Due to the failure of the cooling system, "in order to ensure the integrity and elasticity of the data, some resources were automatically shut down to avoid overheating. "The data center field staff restarted the air handling program of the cooling system and used outdoor airflow to cool the data center.

It is reported that the cooling system of this data center is designed as "N+1" redundancy, and the power distribution is designed as "N+2" redundancy. Microsoft added that the UPS system unit has been returned for analysis, and apologized for the outage and problems that customers may encounter

Not long ago, Microsoft users in western Japan encountered problems when using virtual machines. The reason is that the IP address assigned to a new storage scale unit in its data center should be used in another data center.

Microsoft opened and operated two data centers in Japan in 2014, one in Saitama Prefecture in the east of Japan and the other in Osaka in the west of Japan.