Information Center

The big data industry of cloud computing in Ordos has reached a new height of development


In February this year, Liu Qiang, CEO of JD Group, went to eastern Ordos for a field visit to learn about the development of big data and e-commerce industry in the city. Then, after several rounds of negotiations, JD Group plans to land in the cloud computing industry base, big data tourism business service center, industry data analysis center, one base and three centers of the e-commerce industry public service center. "The partners in Ordos have released and fermented in advance with good news. It can be seen that the city's big data cloud computing industry has entered a new height of development.
Cloud computing and big data are not only a new industry, but also guide the transformation of green technology foundation and innovation support in Ordos. The industrial park and Ordos Airport Logistics Park Ordos Large Data Center, high-tech industrial park cloud have invested billions of yuan in the city's development of big data industry, including billions of yuan in cloud computing data center. There are production projects in the city, namely, Thailand Internet Rockjiahua Green Data Center, Big Data Center, Cloud Base, Inner Mongolia Unicom Ordos Block Cloud Computing, Cloud Technology Bitcoin Mining Large Data Center, Yifa Network. Nearly 10000 units have the capacity of physical servers, and the total revenue of physical servers and 10000 cloud computing services; Ten thousand yuan, including ten thousand yuan of service income. There are key construction projects, with a total investment of billion yuan. By the end of the year, the cumulative investment was billion yuan. The cloud computing industrial park is building a standardized reference room, which will be more than 10000 after completion.
Moreover, over the years, the breakthrough of big data of cloud computing, which is a problem in the industrial development of Ordos City through network channels, has enabled China Unicom to launch a direct Internet backbone network bandwidth for the city based on the Ordos Cloud Base project, and China Telecom and China Mobile have also signed an agreement to open the city's direct Internet backbone bandwidth. At the same time, the active construction of Erdos Beijing dual route optical cable channel has completed the first optical cable, and the construction of the second route optical cable is accelerating, which is planned to be completed in June this year.
Jingdong Group, the largest self run e-commerce enterprise in China, is optimistic about the industry as the foundation, ability and future development prospects of development, so as to reach cooperation. On June, for the service guarantee work of the project landing of JD Group, Wang Yang, the big data expert consultant of the cloud public utilities department for strategic cooperation of Xiaojiang Cloud, director of Jingdong Lu, was invited to engage in the development of related industries, and the staff did a cloud computing big data knowledge training cadre and technology. The "hand" of Ordos and JD is also about to open, which is of great significance to my voice of the big data cloud computing industry chain, Shuli Cloud computing data acquisition images, building industry brand influence, and promoting industrial restructuring and upgrading.