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Private cloud products will drive the server market out of the trough


9 billion small target, storage market and private cloud software together

Gartner released the 2016 global server market report, which shows that the growth cycle of the global server market is relatively slow. In the first quarter, the global server sales fell 2.3% year on year, down to 5.8% year on year. However, with the maturity and further expansion of private cloud, hybrid cloud and other applications in the Chinese market, the server market will usher in a year of demand growth.

Rich martial stones

Faced with the weak server market, Jeffrey Hewitt, Gartner's vice president of research, said: "Server providers need to revitalize and improve their value proposition to provide better server hardware for the market.

Does simply improving the quality of hardware equipment require effective means of growth? No matter how good the product is, it does not need to be pulled, which cannot arouse the user's desire to buy.

By 2017, the server dividend market brought by traditional enterprise office software such as CRM, OA and ERP has gradually saturated. With the development of manufacturing technology, the service life of enterprise level server equipment is usually more than ten years, leading to that OA and other office systems do not need to replace servers in the past 10 years.

Ralph Hauper, president of Microsoft Asia, said: "For those who want to achieve long-term development through emerging technology enterprises, cloud computing should be applied from the perspective of market size and innovation speed. The Chinese market is obviously a huge opportunity, and many government plans rely heavily on technology“

From the perspective of market scale, China's cloud storage market is indeed a huge cake to be cut. In the era of large data, many companies are very optimistic and tend to use cloud storage services. The following is the case of Ralph Hautter: For those who want to upgrade server performance to meet the sales growth goal of server manufacturers, cloud storage software suppliers should establish good relationships.

In 2017, more enterprises will use private cloud to make up for the lack of cloud computing services or integration of enterprise resources such as the expansion and availability of local IT systems, optimize business processes and improve business efficiency. A prerequisite for meeting these requirements is to purchase servers.

It can be predicted that private cloud products will drive the server market out of the trough and usher in the first spring of the market.

For integrators, software suppliers or storage hardware suppliers with information project resources, private cloud storage products (such as cloud) will become marketing projects and will bring high profits. It can be explained from three aspects:

Enterprise cloud storage software service requirements

Enterprise focus is not only on upgrading the performance parameters of storage hardware. With the development of enterprise application software, business users want to store software services that are closer to business needs. With the continuous development of software, the storage hardware+enterprise software marketing strategy will bring huge development space.

2. High profit of private cloud storage

Cloud storage has become the development trend of enterprise storage. Server manufacturers can use private cloud software, such as cloud box enterprise netdisk, to land private cloud construction projects for customers, which not only promotes the sales of server hardware, but also promotes the early development of private cloud storage software, whose function update iteration speed allows the project to continue, Make the server manufacturer obtain sustained profits from the project.

3. Increase the storage capacity and stimulate the long demand for hardware

In the era of big data, the file data throughput of large enterprises is tens of thousands of dollars, and the demand for storage space is growing. If the private cloud storage project is launched, it can not only promote server sales, but also stimulate the rapid growth of storage hardware with the growth of storage space demand.

Finally, perhaps many storage hardware vendors have seen the market prospect of private cloud software products, but the main reasons for hesitation are two problems:

First, the stability of software products should be adapted to hardware storage products;

Second, the combination of soft and hard sales modes will increase the difficulty of future services.

On the cloud private cloud enterprise network disk, nine years of research and development experience and four years of market testing have precipitated a stable private cloud storage software system, implemented hardware deployment technology capabilities and efficient service system. Hardware integrators can address these concerns.

It is estimated that the sales of China's server market will maintain a growth of 20% and reach 87.1 billion yuan by 2018. In 2017, the server market will be driven by private cloud storage products, walk out of the downturn in the market and usher in a booming rapid growth opportunity.