Information Center

Google uses new features of the cloud platform to attract developers away from Amazon AWS


The added content is Google to attract those who have not become AWS customers and are dissatisfied with Bezos. The "chocolate factory" is transforming itself into a more flexible cloud operator. Google Cloud also adds some tools that allow administrators to manage and use security keys directly in applications.

The ECS itself has also been updated. Google said that at present, 64 cores and 416GB of memory supported by Intel Skylake processors and virtual machine instances have been running, and plans to add more cores and 1TB of RAM capacity later this year.

Google also plans to expand its BigQuery service to increase integration with YouTube, AdWords and DoubleClick accounts. This will allow companies to import and query data from these three services when developing marketing plans.


Urs Holzle, vice president of advanced technology of Google Infrastructure, said that in the past three years, "chocolate factory" has invested more than 30 billion dollars in cloud computing. This investment is used to expand cloud operating systems and applications managed by 50 independent regions in 11 regions. Google said that it will establish new regions in Sydney and London next year, and plans to add three cloud service operation centers in the Netherlands, Canada and California.

These new additions are Google to attract those who have not become AWS customers and are dissatisfied with Bezos. The "chocolate factory" is transforming itself into a more flexible cloud operator.