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It is said that Yu Jun, the father of Baidu Post Bar, joined Didi as a consultant


It is said that Yu Jun, the father of Baidu Post Bar, joined Didi as a consultant. On July 13, Yizhihu users revealed that "now Yu Jun has come to Didi", and they matched a picture of Yu Jun wearing a pink T-shirt and black shorts, preparing a speech in front of a group of listeners. The Zhihu user data shows that he is an employee of Didi Travel. After the user of Zhihu revealed that Yu Jun joined Didi as a consultant, and said that Didi Chuxing invited Yu Jun as a consultant, mainly to help Didi improve its product experience with Yu Jun's profound insight and influence on products.

According to the public data, Yu Jun joined Baidu in May 2001 and has successively held the posts of product manager, product director, chief product architect, etc. of the search engine product marketing department. In December 2006, he took the post of vice president of Baidu products. He is one of the earliest search engine researchers and promoters in China, the core and leader of Baidu product design, Baidu Post Bar Baidu knows that many products are directly related to Yu Jun, and Yu Jun officially left Baidu on June 30, 2009.

After Yu Jun left Baidu, there was news that he went to Chef and Taobao in succession, but it was not officially confirmed.