Information Center

US server users are responsible for ensuring big data security


US server The user is responsible for ensuring the security of big data

The application of big data has entered every aspect of life. Companies and institutions using big data are responsible for ensuring data security, both ethically and in terms of the way of work to ensure security

Without the continuous supply of personal data, it is impossible to generate big data. Nowadays, the application of big data has entered every aspect of life, and many people will worry about the security of big data. Because at present, there is not only a lack of legal protection, but also a lack of trust in the user data use collector.

Whether we disclose personal information to companies or government agencies, we will worry about the abuse of personal information, and even fear. On the one hand, "fear" is a real fear, on the other hand, it also shows that people will lose trust in the data related parties. Without trust, there can be no big data.

To ensure trust, we also need to take measures at the technical level to protect data security, such as using encryption methods to restrict institutions and individuals who have no access to specific information. We have done too little in this regard and should do more.

For companies and institutions using big data, they are responsible for ensuring data security. They use personal data to make profits, or at least gain benefits from the data, and should also bear corresponding responsibilities. No matter from the perspective of ethics or the way of work to ensure security, data security cannot be ensured in order to make money.

The "responsibility" mentioned here means that if I provide my information to you, you have the responsibility to ensure that my information is safe and protected in your place. I often see in the western media that many companies' internal data have been stolen and embezzled. I think these companies should be punished and bear their responsibilities. For example, if a person bought a car and the car broke down and exploded while driving, his family would surely sue the car manufacturer. Since we can do this in life, why not do the same to ensure big data security?

We should also see that the law can indeed better regulate the company's responsibility, but it should not only require the law in traditional ways, but there should be some innovative ideas. In Europe and the United States, efficiency and security are not particularly good, so it may be an opportunity for China to do better.