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Telecom complains that the rental fee of the tower company is 20% higher than that of the self built tower company


Yesterday, the reporter learned that at the performance conference of China Telecom last year, Yang Jie, president and chief operating officer of China Telecom, said that the rental fees paid to the tower company were higher than their own operation and maintenance costs.

Yang Jie said at the press conference that China Telecom had completed the disposal of tower assets last year, and there would be no proceeds from the sale. However, the rental fee paid by China Telecom to the tower company is 20% higher than the cost of its own operation and maintenance of the tower. This year's rental fee is still under negotiation, and it is hoped that it will be reduced compared with last year.

China Telecom's capital expenditure last year increased by 42% compared with 2014, reaching 109.1 billion yuan. Yang Jie revealed that this year's capital expenditure will drop by 11% to 97 billion yuan. If there is no large-scale construction, capital expenditure will continue to decline in the next year or two.

Tower Company is a comprehensive service enterprise of communication infrastructure jointly funded by China Telecom, China Mobile and China Unicom. It was officially launched on July 18, 2014, mainly engaged in the construction, maintenance and operation of iron towers, and also in the construction, maintenance and operation of base station machine rooms, power supplies, air conditioners and other supporting facilities and indoor distribution systems, as well as the maintenance of base station equipment. At present, the tower company has completed the acquisition of all existing tower resources of the operator.