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China Unicom's IDC and cloud computing business revenue last year was 7.07 billion yuan


China Unicom released its annual report on the evening of March 16. In 2015, the company realized an operating revenue of 277.049 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 4%; The net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company was 3.472 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 12.8%.

The financial report shows that in 2015, the development of mobile business was under pressure, and the main business income reached 142.62 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 14.69 billion yuan, down 9.3%. The main business income of fixed network business reached 91.26 billion yuan, up 1.7% year on year, of which the main business income of fixed network broadband business was 53.96 billion yuan, up 6% year on year, The proportion of main business income of fixed network business rose from 56.7% of the previous year to 59.1%

China Unicom said that in the future, it will strengthen the benefit management of broadband terminal investment while promoting the development of the scale of optical fiber subscribers. Driven by the growth of broadband business, in 2015, the company's fixed network service revenue increased by 3.1% year-on-year to 91.26 billion yuan, of which the contribution of fixed network non voice revenue reached 83.6%, up 4.7 percentage points year-on-year, and the fixed network business structure was further optimized.

China Unicom also said that it would accelerate the construction of high-speed broadband networks focusing on 4G and optical broadband. Last year, a net increase of 306000 4G base stations reached 399000 in total, and 4G networks basically achieved continuous coverage in urban areas, counties and developed towns. In terms of "4G+", we launched carrier convergence pilot, accelerated the construction and transformation of optical broadband networks, built six all optical network provinces and more than 100 all optical network cities, and broadband ports grew 22.2% year on year to 165 million.

In terms of cloud computing and big data, in 2015, China Unicom IDC and cloud computing business achieved revenue of 7.07 billion yuan, up 37.5% year on year; ICT business revenue reached 4.33 billion yuan, up 24.9% year on year.