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Comparison of broadband rate/tariff between China and the United States: stunned


Hong Kong VPS On December 31, it was reported that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released the latest domestic Internet report on Wednesday, showing that as of September 2014, the average downlink rate of local broadband was 31 Mbps. Although this achievement was three times that of 2011, and also reached the definition of the United States for "high-speed broadband" of 25 Mbps, it ranked the bottom in several developed countries, behind France, Canada, Germany Japan, etc.

Previously, Pew Research Center data showed that the number of people using broadband in the United States is decreasing, because the price is too high. For example, the monthly price of 25 trillion broadband is about $60.

What is the level of broadband service in China?

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said in its year-end summary that the national average access rate is now 17.8 Mbps (download speed is about 2.25 MB/s), 2.7 times the rate at the end of 2014.

In terms of price, according to the statistics of Xunlei in November, the average broadband tariff of the three major operators in China is 3.58 yuan/megabyte, and 25 megabytes is 89.5 yuan.

Considering that the United States is a developed country based on the Internet, the speed and tariff did not satisfy consumers and the media.