Information Center

How about the large computing center in early October?


According to the statistics of Kezhi Consulting, among the operating computing centers in China, large and super large computing centers account for 49.3%, and the rack size is about 1.069 million (by 2022). Under the influence of the corresponding policies of "data from the east to the west" and the rapid development of the Internet resource industry, computing centers are developing in the direction of intensification and scale, and more and more large and super large computing centers have sprung up. The construction of large computing centers and the layout of industrial development have become a high concern in the field.

In the context of the growing market size of computing centers and the growing volume of large and super large computing centers, how can new and existing large computing centers achieve sustainable development at the same time, orderly promote the "carbon neutral" process, and undertake the "East Data West Computing" project, these issues have become a high concern in the field.

Whether it is industrial development layout, design, construction and operation, achieving sustainable development in the full development cycle of large-scale computing centers is still one of the hot topics that the current field needs to face together. Against this backdrop, on February 27-28, the 17th China IDC Industry Development Annual Ceremony hosted by the Organizing Committee of China IDC Industry Development Annual Ceremony and hosted by China IDC Circle and DIGITAL SCIENCE, the Organizing Committee set up a special "Forum on the Layout and Construction of Large Computing Center Industry Development", which invited many industry experts, leaders of basic telecommunications companies Senior executives and other industry professionals talked about the development direction of China's large-scale computing center construction industry.

With the emergence of new digital core technologies, including ChatGPT, the market demand for Internet resources in various fields is also gradually increasing. As the "physical carrier" of Internet resources, how the industrial development layout and construction of the computing center can meet the market demand of users for Internet resources has become a high concern of IDC service providers. In view of this, Shang Yanqiang, Vice President of Shanghai Youfu Internet Co., Ltd., brought a wonderful interaction after the meeting with the main axis of "Internet resources, Internet industry development layout thinking and practice".

 Shang Yanqiang

Shang Yanqiang said that the recent fire of the ChatGPT model has 175 billion parameters, which requires Internet resources from about 7 or 8 computing centers to support a training of the model, and the cost of a training is about 80 million yuan. "This is just the training of text AI models," Shang Yanqiang emphasized in particular, "In the future, there will be 'sensory' AI models such as vision, hearing, and even smell, which will have a huge market demand for Internet resources."

According to statistics, the growth rate of general Internet resources will be about 20% in the future, and the growth rate of intelligent Internet resources will be about 70%. In this regard, Shang Yanqiang believes that the edge computing center will usher in a quantitative growth. "These applications from cloud to edge are all concentrated to the central Internet resources through edge Internet resources."

Under the huge market demand for Internet resources, we are also facing great challenges such as "different computing networks". In this regard, Shang Yanqiang said that there are very big challenges in "computing network collaboration": different core technology systems, different operators, different data ownership, and different measurement methods. "'Computing network collaboration' is important for supporting enterprises to 'go to the cloud, use data, and enable', and it is also important for Internet resources to realize service at the same time." Shang Yanqiang particularly emphasized that, "There is an urgent need to build a complete set of Internet resource service system in the field. Cloud+Internet resources will eventually develop into Internet resources. According to the market demand of business development, the integration of cloud and network edge will develop into a new infrastructure of computing, storage and the Internet."

How to simultaneously realize the sustainable development of the whole development cycle of the computing center is a hot topic in the current field, and is also the main axis of this conference. In view of this, Sun Wenzheng, General Manager of Chaoya Computing Center, delivered a speech after the meeting with the main theme of "Important Decision for Sustainable Development of Computing Center Relocation".

 Sun Wenzheng

Sun Wenzheng said that how to achieve sustainable development at the same time is a hot topic of high concern in the field at this stage. He said that as a digital infrastructure, the computing center, like airports, stations and other infrastructure, should be built with the concept of sustainable development. Among them, "relocation" is an important part of the entire development cycle of the computing center to achieve sustainable development at the same time.

After the meeting, Sun Wenzheng also interacted with Chaoya's insights on various aspects of the relocation of the computing center. He said that from the perspective of relocation, the first thing to do is to be "forward-looking" and highly match with its own development strategy; Secondly, we should "go from point to point" and select places with high-quality asset attributes; Third, the computing center should be located where it can operate effectively. "Only with customers can it be valuable." Sun Wenzheng emphasized in particular. Finally, enterprises should have a full understanding of their own development skills and risk management. "They should take the development skills, scale, and risk management into consideration in the full development cycle of the computing center." Sun Wenzheng said.

Sun Wenzheng also interacted with Chaoya's "calculation formula" in all aspects of the relocation of the computing center in his speech.

In Sun Wenzheng's view, the basic principles for the relocation of the computing center can be summarized as four points, namely, keeping in mind the business development plan, being familiar with local characteristics, identifying business development weaknesses, and maintaining a sense of risk. Sun Wenzheng also interacted with the five skills that need to be considered specifically for relocation, namely: asset skills, development skills, operation skills, income skills and risk avoidance skills.

As the core technology of digital economy and even the important underlying support of digital economy, how can the computing center develop to better support the digital economy in the context of "calculating from east to west"? This hot topic has become one of the high concerns in the field. In view of this, Xie Changlin, Deputy General Manager of Service of ZTE China Telecom, delivered a speech after the meeting with the main theme of "Building a Base of" East Data and West Data "and Achieving the Future of Customer Numbers".

 Xie Changlin

Under the guidance of the corresponding policy of "calculating data from the east to the west", the development of China's ICT industry has also ushered in further industrial development and upgrading. Xie Changlin said that with the implementation of the policy of "calculating data from the east to the west", more and more computing centers will be deployed in the rich areas of renewable energy in the west to further reduce the consumption of renewable energy. At this time, Internet resources The construction of cloud network system becomes important. How to achieve the best balance between business development experience and operation undertaking at the same time has become one of the hot topics that enterprises pay close attention to extensively.

At the same time, Xie Changlin said that although compared with the eastern region, the western region has abundant competitive advantages in renewable energy and land price, the problem of time delay cannot be ignored. "There is a huge distance gap between the western region and the eastern region. How to transmit massive data between the east and the west with low time delay is the main problem at this stage," Xie said. In view of this, Xie Changlin believes that large computing centers in the west should build an Internet that is directly connected to the East New Data Use Center, and at the same time, realize high-speed interconnection, so as to make up for the "short board" of geographical distance. "The joint innovation of computing centers and ICT core technologies is important to help the rapid development of East Data and West Computing." Xie Changlin said.

"As a road builder of digit economy, ZTE has responded to the market demand of the times. In the context of the development strategy of" counting from the east to the west ", ZTE Tongxuan, with its own independent innovation skills and end-to-end delivery skills, has comprehensively served the national development strategy and helped the development of national digit economy." This is Xie Changlin's interpretation of ZTE's positioning and mission.

With the promotion of the "dual carbon" development strategy, water cooling is increasingly applied in various aspects of computing center cooling with its competitive advantages of low energy consumption and low carbon. After the meeting, Li Zheng, Head of the Product Department of the Computing Center of Sanhe Tongfei Refrigeration Co., Ltd., had a wonderful interaction with the theme of "Multi scenario solutions for building green computing centers in the field of empowerment in the future of digital innovation".

 Li Zheng

Li Zhengzheng said that the temperature control system applied in the computing center needs to meet the requirements of safety, reliability and stability at the same time. At the same time, under the "dual carbon" development strategy, the temperature control system also needs to meet the current requirements for the computing center PUE.

In the speech, Li Zheng interacted with the participants about some research experience of Sanhe Tongfei on the core technology of water cooling. Li Zheng said that the solution of water cooling CDU temperature control is the future development trend Manifold water collector and annular valve are independently developed by Tongfei. " Li Zhengzheng said, "Water cooling is a completely closed and private circulating valve. It is necessary to ensure that the internal circulating medium is completely isolated from the outside world to prevent pollution. Based on risk thinking, ring valves are used in the design. There are also important parts or parts that operate all the year round for backup, and the whole machine backup can also be considered. These are the solutions output from the field of computing center."

In addition to introducing the water cooling CDU solutions of Sanhe Tongfei, Li was interacting with several independently developed temperature control solutions of computing center of Sanhe Tongfei, including wind wall, AHU temperature control solutions, air-cooled machine room air conditioner, etc. after the meeting.

With the increasing market demand for Internet resources, the amount of data in the computing center is also growing exponentially. Data cannot be circulated in the computing center without broadband. How can broadband develop to meet the growing market demand for data? After the conference, Changfei Group | Changxinsheng (Wuhan) The solution of Science and Technology Co., Ltd. interacted with Zhao Sunjun, an expert in the core technology support department, around the Development Trend of Computing Center and Intelligent Building Transmission Media.

 Zhao Sunjun

Zhao Sunjun said that with the increase of data, higher requirements have been put forward for the internal wiring of the computing center. Today, the Internet of the computing center has risen from 100G Ethernet applications to 400G/800G, and will even reach the 1.6T level soon in the future.

In his speech, Zhao Sunjun analyzed the development trend of broadband wiring in the computing center in the future, taking the products of Long Core Sheng as an example. He said that in the future, the 1U432 core broadband will gradually become the mainstream choice of the computing center in wiring, "It is an inevitable trend for" light into copper and back out ". With the help of self-help research and development skills, Long Core Sheng stands at the forefront of the core technology of the computing center and thinks about solutions for wiring in future computing center scenarios." Zhao Sunjun said.

The core technology of space division multiplexing has become a new core technology to solve the problem that the synchronous bit series system widely used in the current optical Internet does not adapt to the rapid development of data communication services. Zhao Sunjun said that Long Core Sheng also has a leading industrial development layout in all aspects of space division multiplexing broadband, In his speech, he also introduced the solution of Changxinsheng's comprehensive distribution for Chaochao 400G computing center. "As a long-term, asset heavy operation project, the computing center generally has an operation cycle of 10 years, or even longer, so the core technology should be moderately advanced in order to keep up with the development of the times." Zhao Sunjun particularly emphasized.

As a high energy loading field, how to orderly promote the carbon neutrality process of the computing center has become a high concern in the field under the great background of the national "double carbon" goal. The available switch led by the diesel generator is an indispensable power guarantee for the computing center, and it is incumbent on us to achieve carbon reduction at the same time. After the meeting, Han Yu, a senior power system engineer in North Asia of the Power Business Department of Caterpillar (China) Investment Co., Ltd., brought the interaction between the main shaft and the "Carbon Reduction Road for Available Switches in the Computing Center".

 Han Yu

Han Yu said that with the gradual progress of the "double carbon" goal, the utilization rate of coal will gradually reduce from 28% in 2019 to 7% by 2050. "In 2021, China's carbon dioxide emissions will be about 10.523 billion tons, and the national computing center's carbon dioxide emissions will be about 135 million tons. The IDC field's carbon dioxide emissions will account for about 1.3% of the country's total, so carbon reduction and decarbonization will become the consensus in the field of computing centers in the future." Han Yu said.

Not only in the field of computing centers, but also in all aspects of renewable energy use in all fields. Non fossil renewable energy and new renewable energy are used more and more widely. In this regard, Han Yu believes that at this stage, the total installed capacity of wind power and solar power generation is increasing year by year. From the perspective of sustainable development path, all fields will face the problem of how to reduce carbon and reduce carbon.

As far as the carbon reduction of the available switches in the computing center is concerned, Han Yu believes that carbon reduction of the available switches in the computing center can be achieved simultaneously from two aspects: one is to improve the utilization rate of renewable energy, such as using gas generator sets to improve the utilization rate of comprehensive renewable energy through CCHP core technology, Second, carbon free emission units or fuel cells such as HVO hydrogen fuel are used as available switches to fundamentally solve the carbon emission process.

Basic telecommunications companies have always been the backbone of the development and construction of China's digital industries, which is no exception in the process of the construction of the "East Counting and West Counting" project. After the conference, Yang Sibo, the deputy general manager of Zhongwei Cloud Computing Center of China Unicom Ningxia Branch, delivered a speech with the main theme of "Tamping the Internet resource base and building a digital economic base", and interacted with the participants about the industrial development layout and experience of Ningxia Unicom in various aspects of digital infrastructure construction.

 Yang Sibo

Yang Sibo said that with the gradual progress of the "East Counting and West Counting" project, Ningxia Zhongwei has unique competitive advantages in all aspects of the construction of the computing center. Yang Sibo summarized Zhongwei's competitive advantages into four points: regional competitive advantages, security competitive advantages, climate competitive advantages, and renewable energy competitive advantages.

In addition, Zhongwei is also one of the nodes of four national Internet exchange centers in China. "Ningxia Unicom is responsible for the operation of the national Internet exchange center. The establishment of the exchange center has provided a strong support for the circulation and operation of data in the province." Yang Sibo particularly emphasized.

Yang Sibo said that since the license was issued at the end of 2020, the preparation has begun. Up to now, the three local telecommunications companies have completed the access of lines. The core business development system of the switching center is deployed in the computer room of Unicom in Zhongwei, making the three telecommunications companies have the skills of a third line computer room in the local area.

Yang Sibo also introduced the overall development path of Ningxia Unicom in Ningxia after the conference. He said that Ningxia Unicom mainly planned three paths: building skills to ensure high-quality development; Consolidate the foundation and create a new base for Internet resources; Coordinated development to create a new win-win situation. "China Unicom's branch in Ningxia wants to be a telecom company, integrate IDC, Internet resources and the Internet accordingly, develop new business well, and gradually promote the implementation of the" East Data and West Computing "project in Ningxia." Yang Sibo said that this is the positioning of Ningxia Unicom under the background of the "East Data and West Computing" project.