Messages api/access token

Get access token of fan service platform development interface

Access_token is the only authorization ticket for Weibo authenticated users to authorize third-party developers to provide them with relevant functional services under the fan service development mode. When a third-party developer calls the pink server development interface, it needs to use access_token.

Access_token contains the authorization relationship between Weibo authenticated users and third-party developers. The permissions of the fan server development interface are bound to the Weibo authenticated account, rather than the OPEN API of the Weibo open platform, which is bound to the APPKEY of third-party developers. Therefore, the third party developer must obtain the authorization of the microblog authentication account with the permission of the pink server development interface before calling the pink server development interface through the authorized access_token.

The microblog open platform provides two ways for developers to obtain authorization tickets (i.e. access_token) of microblog authenticated users (blue V).

Development mode through fan service platform

In Weibo fan service platform - advanced function, switch to the developer mode page. If the authenticated user specifies and authorizes an APPKEY of a third-party developer, the authorized access_token ticket will be displayed on the page. The developer needs to contact the authenticated user to get the access_token.

After the third-party developer gets the access_token, he can use the access_token to provide corresponding application development services for the authentication account.

OAuth2.0 authorization interface through microblog open platform (Under development, not yet online)

In the application developed by the third party developer, according to the OAuth2.0 authorization process of the microblog open platform standard, and in the authorization request, specify the scope package that needs the development interface of the pink server (see details Function description of Weibo authorization scope )。

After that, after the Weibo authenticated user (blue V) enters the third-party application, click Authorization and complete the authorization process, the third-party developer can get access_token in CallBack through the standard OAuth2.0 authorization.

For the OAuth2.0 authorized access of microblog open platform, see OAuth2.0 Authorization Interface Guide

Updated on: June 12, 2014