Data Center FAQs

1. Data Center Nouns and Concepts

(1) What is touch number?

Identify the number of target users that can be reached by the microblog published by the official microblog account, and the number of people who can reach may be lower than the number of readers, because

A user may see multiple presentations.

(2) What is mutual powder analysis?

Mutual fan refers to the fan account, which is also followed by this account.

(3) What is reading number?

It refers to the daily display times of microblogs published by the official microblog account, regardless of whether the microblog is clicked or not. The same microblog can

It can be shown to the same user multiple times.

(4) What is page access analysis?

Analyze the page views and other data indicators of the official microblog, and the number of views: within the selected period, the number of visited pages

Number of times, excluding the number of repeated user visits; Independent visitors: de duplication of visiting a specified page within a selected period of time

Number of visitors; Access time: the average time of each stay and visit of a user on a web page during the selected period.

(5) What is a microblog content list?

In the selected time period, the microblog published by the official microblog account and the official account are mentioned by other accounts @, including

Include the current number of reads and touches of each microblog; Number of clicks and interactions, and whether the microblog is an ordinary microblog or a tweet

Guangbo. The list of @ mentioned by other accounts includes the current number of interactions of each mentioned microblog.

(6) What is the total number of new fans?

In the selected time period, the total number of fans added to the official microblog account shall be subject to the total number of fans on the previous day of the current time.

(7) What is the data center and how to access it?

The data center highlights the main interactive data of microblog users in microblog, providing users with a review of microblog operations

Important reference basis of the battalion. The data center is divided into "fan analysis", "content analysis", "interactive analysis" and "industry trend points

Analyze the four modules. Each module has corresponding data items for specific performance.

Click Management Center - Data Center (left navigation) to browse data details.

2. Data Center FAQs

(1) Can I export the data of microblog content list?

The data center temporarily does not support the data export of the microblog content list module, which will be added in the subsequent version upgrade.

(2) Can you analyze more active fans?

The Weibo data center currently supports the analysis of the top 10 active fans.

(3) How to query data with a longer time span?

The data center can only provide data in the last 7 days, 30 days, and 90 days. Data in other time spans cannot be supported temporarily.

(4) Can I sign an agreement offline? What is the specific process?

Data center transactions are divided into online transactions and offline transactions.

For details of offline transaction process, please contact Nick Shang Hankun of our company (relevant information can be sent to: )。 In addition, if you want to go offline, please provide the company's introduction and relevant microblog account.

(5) Can I provide invoices? What types of invoices do I need to provide?

Invoices can be issued for online payment or offline payment.

If you need an invoice, please send the following information to :

1. For non VAT special invoice, the company's registered address, business contact, telephone number, e-mail, country

Tax code, company legal name in Chinese, position, mobile phone number.

2. For VAT special invoice, in addition to the above information, account name, full name of deposit bank, bank account number and mail

Edited. Please upload the copy of the duplicate of the tax registration certificate, the qualification certificate of the general taxpayer and the "taxpayer name, tax payment

The original stamped copies of four information materials, namely, person identification number, address, telephone number, bank of deposit and account number (electronic scanning copy is enough).

(6) The payment method is online payment. How long will it be opened after payment?

It is opened immediately after online payment.

(7) What is the price of customized packages?

The customized version can customize the number of industry related microblog accounts and the corresponding annual fees as shown in the table below. Other customization is not supported temporarily.

Compare the number of accounts and pricing during the validity period 51 years 6800 yuan RMB 9800 in 2011 15800 yuan in 2011 RMB 26800 in 2001

(8) The form exported from the paid version is garbled. Is there a compatibility problem?

The problem of exporting garbled code is coding. Open it with Notepad and the garbled code will not be displayed. At present, there will be no garbled code when opening Excel on the Mac or Windows, but garbled code will be displayed when opening numbers on the Mac. To solve this problem, you need to locate and use the operating system (mac or win) and software (excel or numbers). It is recommended to use the Excel data import function, or open it directly with Notepad and paste it into the data processing software.

(9) The number of readings displayed in the data center does not match the number displayed on the microblog?

Reading number chart The reading number of each day represents "the reading amount of the original microblog published in the last 30 days as of the statistics day". So this chart shows the number of original microblog readers, excluding those who forwarded microblogs.

(10) What is the impact on the background functions of not purchasing the paid version after the trial period?

After the trial period, if no purchase is made, the free version will be restored. The free version has always existed.

(11) What does the customized data include?

The difference between the customized version and the normal version and the standard version is that the number of industry related microblog accounts you can see is different, and the output content of other modules is the same.

(12) Can I freely replace the users I care about?

20% of the accounts in the set package can be changed after 30 days. For example, 10 accounts can be customized, 2 accounts can be changed after 30 days, and so on.

(13) What's the difference between the paid version and the free version, the normal version and the standard version?

The difference between the free version and the paid version is as follows:

1. The data available in both free and paid versions include: new fans, fan segmentation, total number of followers, mutual fans, my microblog, my forwarding and comments, page access analysis, reading number, and interaction trend analysis;

2. The paid version provides richer data content, including: cancellation of attention, gender and age breakdown of fans, regional distribution of fans, source of fans, microblog content list, my influence, microblog effect analysis, touch number, click trend analysis, click breakdown, interaction breakdown, the most active fans Top10, the most forwarded fans Top10, the number of long microblog readings and launches Industry related microblog accounts;

3. The free version can display the data of the last 7 days and the last 30 days, and the paid version can provide in-depth social data analysis of the past 7 days, 30 days and 90 days;

4. In the paid version, 5 accounts can be compared in the ordinary version 6800/year, 10 accounts can be compared in the standard version 9800/year, and the number of accounts can be customized in the customized version. Currently, only 5, 10, 20, 50 are supported, and other content display modules are the same.

Document update time: January 27, 2016