Information Center

Letter of Commitment on Network and Information Security


Our unit (person) solemnly promises to abide by the relevant provisions of this letter of commitment. In case of any violation of the relevant provisions of this letter of commitment, our unit (person) shall bear all civil, administrative and criminal liabilities arising therefrom.

1、 Commit to abide by the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Security Protection of Computer Information Systems, the Administrative Measures for the Security Protection of Computer Information Networks and International Networking, as well as relevant laws, regulations and administrative rules, systems and documents.
2、 Commit not to use the network to endanger national security, disclose state secrets, infringe the interests of the state, society and the collective and the legitimate rights and interests of third parties, and not to engage in illegal and criminal activities.
3、 Commit to do a good job in information security management of the website in strict accordance with relevant national laws and regulations, and set up information security principals and information security reviewers according to the requirements of relevant government departments. The information security principals and information security reviewers shall work with certificates after passing the security technology training of the public security organ.
4、 Commit to improve various network security management systems and implement various security protection technical measures.
5、 Commit to accept the supervision and inspection of the public security organ, truthfully and actively provide information, materials and data files related to security protection, and actively assist in the investigation and punishment of illegal and criminal acts through the computer information network of the international network.
6、 Commit not to produce, copy, consult and disseminate the following information through the Internet:
1. Opposing the basic principles set forth in the Constitution.
2. Endangering national security, divulging state secrets, subverting state power and undermining national unity.
3. Damage to national honor and interests.
4. Inciting national hatred and discrimination and undermining national unity.
5. Those who undermine the state's religious policy and promote heresy and feudal superstition.
6. Spreading rumors, disturbing social order and undermining social stability.
7. Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or abetting crimes.
8. Insult or slander others and infringe upon their legitimate rights and interests.
9. Containing other contents prohibited by laws and regulations.
7、 Commit not to engage in any activity that endangers the security of computer information network, including but not limited to:
1. Entering computer information networks or using computer information network resources without permission.
2. Deleting, modifying or adding computer information network functions without permission.
3. Deleting, modifying or adding data and application programs stored or transmitted in the computer information network without permission.
4. Deliberately making and spreading destructive programs such as computer viruses.
5. Other activities that endanger the security of computer information network.
8、 Commit to immediately take emergency measures, keep relevant original records, report to the government regulatory department within 24 hours and notify your unit in writing when a major security accident occurs in the computer information system.
9、 In case of violation of the relevant provisions of the Letter of Commitment and relevant national laws and regulations, the unit (person) shall directly bear the corresponding legal liability, and the unit (person) shall directly compensate for the property losses caused. At the same time, your company has the right to suspend the host rental service until the Lease Service Agreement between both parties is terminated.
10、 The user promises to sign this contract with the end user by reference《 Letter of Commitment on Network Information Security 》And urge the end user to perform corresponding responsibilities, otherwise, the user shall bear joint and several liabilities.
XI This letter of commitment shall come into force and be observed from the date of signing.