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LLsMP Common Management Commands and Installation Components Tutorial

LLsMP I prefer to use it One click installation package First, I have written a series of tutorials for beginners before, which are basically enough for beginners. Yesterday, after changing the ROOT password for VPS, I needed to restart VPS, but I suddenly lost memory and forgot the command. It seems that I still need to sort out the commonly used LLSMP management commands. For one thing, I don't want to remember them in the future, but I will copy them directly, and for another, I will share them with similar webmasters in need.

LLsMP Relevant management commands:
Create a Litespeed virtual host: sh/root/llsmp/
Add FTP account: sh/root/llsmp/
Create Nginx virtual host: sh/root/llsmp/
Backup command: sh/root/llsmp/
Restart Litespeed:/etc/init.d/lsws restart
Restart MySQL:/etc/init.d/mysql (d) restart
Restart Nginx:/etc/init.d/nginx restart

Install more add ons:
Install eAccelerator: sh/root/llsmp/
Install Zend Optimizer: sh/root/llsmp/
Install the ionCube Loader: sh/root/llsmp/
Install Google Performace Tools: sh/root/llsmp/
Install FTP (vsftpd): sh/root/llsmp/
Install Nginx front-end: sh/root/llsmp/

LLsMP Common Directory:
Litespeed management background: http://{ip}: 7080
phpMyAdmin : http://{ip}/phpmyadmin/
Php.ini directory:/usr/local/lsws/lsphp5/lib/php.ini
MySQL configuration file my.cnf:/etc/my.cnf (Centos) |/etc/mysql/my.cnf (Debian/Ubuntu)
Nginx configuration directory:/etc/nginx/nginx. conf and/etc/nginx/conf.d/
Virtual host directory:/home/wwwroot
LLsMP installation log:/root/llsmp/install.log

The above are commonly used LLsMP management commands.

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