Focus on cloud service provider activities
Notes on website operation and maintenance

Website Theme

 Five OpenCart theme templates recommended by users | Lao Zuo's notes

Five OpenCart theme templates recommended by users

OpenCart, an old overseas service provider providing open source CMS programs, is mainly used for e-commerce B2C program core websites. OpenCart program is PHP+MYSQL language and database driven, which can basically meet the business purpose of most e-commerce websites, and there are many available third-party plug-in support

 Two Worthy WordPress Corporate Website Themes | Lao Zuo's Notes

Two Worthy WordPress Corporate Website Themes

Do we still need network companies to build our corporate official website? Then it may be quoted for thousands or even tens of thousands. If you meet a small network company or personal service provider, you may directly find some free topics from the Internet to repair, modify, or other customers to give you a new look. In fact, there will be great risks at this time. For example, finding free themes for enterprise websites will

 Several WordPress Blog Themes Worthy of Getting Started at the End of Double 11 Year | Lao Zuo's Notes

Several WordPress blog topics worth getting started at the end of the Double 11

For our webmaster, the Double 11 promotion can't focus on the ECS host. In fact, there are products around cloud computing. For example, many of us may need a website theme. The WordPress theme is also commonly used. Relatively speaking, Lao Zuo still recommends choosing WordPress themes with high cost performance ratio, and using paid themes

 The WordPress blog we media theme activities on the 2022 Double 11 are also good | Lao Zuo's notes

We media theme activities of WordPress blog on the 2022 Double 11 are also good

For our webmaster users, the focus during the Double 11 promotion is not only on domain names and hosts, but also on conventional peripheral products, such as themes, server panels, etc. Today, the preferential activities of the major service providers of the Double 11 have been officially announced. If we need to participate, it is really cheaper than usual. After starting, we can quickly apply items

 ThemeBetter theme: 618% off - DUX, YIA We Media Blog Theme | Lao Zuo's Notes

ThemeBetter theme 618% off - DUX, YIA We Media Blog theme optional

At present, when we set up our own We Media and blog, we choose DUX, XIU and JUSTNEWS as the most popular themes. Of course, there are many other themes, such as RI theme series, sub theme, B2 theme, etc. In front of me, Lao Zuo introduced that during the 618 promotion, there was a half price event on the JUSTNEWS theme

 JustNews theme is suitable for We Media blog theme. In 618 years, two domain names can be bound | Lao Zuo's notes

JustNews theme is suitable for We Media blog theme. Two domain names can be bound in 618 years

During the promotion in the middle of the last year, Lao Zuo also shared the promotional activities of various cloud service providers on his website. It's really cost-effective to give discounts to newcomers. If we need to, we can register in a new account and enjoy benefits. This old left is thinking about whether to change the theme of the website. After all, this theme has been used for too long, and

 6 free response adaptive mobile APP software/company display template | Lao Zuo's notes

6 free response adaptive mobile APP software/company display template

These days, Laozuo has to download some APP theme templates from the Internet to meet the needs of customers, and then modify them into a single page of the product type website they need to engage in CPS marketing. Today's network resources are very rich, and there are many themes of such responsive and adaptive mobile terminals. Among the several APP software and company introduction templates used

 Free Open Source WHMCS Host Template Style - BootWHMCS | Lao Zuo's Notes

Free open source WHMCS host template style - BootWHMCS

To tell the truth, Lao Zuo has not really built a genuine WHMCS system, nor sold a host, nor prepared to work in the highly competitive IDC industry in the future, so there has been no practical application tutorial related to WHMCS, just a test of the WHMCS Happy Edition entertainment before, and then sorted out the free WHMCS theme circulated on several websites. For