Technical capability
Voice technology
Image technology
Character recognition
Face and Human Recognition
video technique
AR and VR
natural language processing
knowledge graph
Data Intelligence
Industry capability
Deployment scheme
Industrial application
Intelligent education
Intelligent medical treatment
Smart retail
Intelligent industry
Enterprise services
Intelligent government
Intelligent agriculture
information service
Smart Park
Intelligent hardware
Experience AI
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"Sweep" experience immediately
Hardware product evaluation and certification
Official evaluation and certification of hardware equipment related to AI applications, helping hardware manufacturers expand and grow in the AI field
What is Baidu AI hardware evaluation certification
Baidu conducts standardized evaluation and certification for the hardware products around AI technology, which verifies the application effect of the products and verifies the cooperation between the products and Baidu AI technology. The products that pass the evaluation are qualified to obtain certification, enter Baidu AI market and join Baidu's official AI solutions. The operation and promotion of products through AI technology ecology helps the development of hardware enterprises
Product evaluation and certification process
1. Apply for access
After the application is approved, the Token will be allocated for development and testing after activation
2. Development according to agreement
View agreement documents
3. Review and certification
Quick joint debugging function self-test with visual tools
4. Settle in AI market
Enjoy Baidu's free marketing resources
Apply for evaluation and certification
RGB lens module
Cooperate with machine vision technologies such as face recognition and human body recognition to collect images in a variety of terminal devices
Apply for test certification
NIR lens module
Near infrared lens module cooperates with face recognition and live face detection technology to collect face images for comparison and live verification
Apply for test certification
Depth lens module
The depth lens module based on structured light, binoculars and TOF technology, in combination with face recognition technology, makes the security of comparison and live verification reach an unprecedented level of security
Apply for test certification
Capture machine
Certified camera products can cooperate with Baidu Cloud collaboration tools for more rich and convenient applications, and face the needs of many integrators through the AI market
Apply for test certification
Embedded computing board
Baidu provides scheme authentication&application standards for core boards, which can be used in many fields with Baidu AI technology
Coming soon
Coming soon