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All customer cases - Shidai Yunying
Shidai Yunying
Time Yunying is committed to combining video analysis technology with AI technology to provide customers with integrated software and hardware solutions and comprehensive supporting services based on big data analysis.
Use product
Support and communication
Complete the comparison and review of witness information in 4 seconds. Baidu Brain helped Time Yunying build a real name authentication platform for faces
Value achievements
Based on a deep understanding of the application scenarios of operators, the real name authentication platform system for face created by Time Yunying through Baidu AI face recognition privatization technology has been widely used in mobile, telecom, Tianyi IOT and other telecom operators, supporting the live detection of customers' online business hall, handheld business hall, offline business hall and other business scenarios Real name authentication business requirements. After the completion of the system construction, the real name authentication function is provided for more than 30000 users every day. The average pass rate of each work order is 96.8%, and the average time is 4.15s.
Case Story
Core demands
In recent years, in order to combat cyber crime, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has successively issued relevant policies, stipulating that operators should strive to achieve the consistency of identity cards in the process of telephone access by means of manual verification of identity cards, card reader verification of identity cards and other means. The new regulations from December 1, 2019 make "face recognition technology" one of the official "new lines of defense" to maintain cyberspace security.
In order to respond to the real name system requirements of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, each relevant system of the operator needs a set of products that uniformly provide real name authentication capability, which involves OCR recognition, live detection, face detection and comparison technology.

After investigating the live detection and face recognition capabilities of many companies in the market, Time Yunying found that: due to the diversity of application scenarios, it is difficult for the algorithm to have stable recognition accuracy in different scenarios; At the same time, most manufacturers are unable to provide the requirement that customers need to identify the privatization deployment in a non network environment. Therefore, Time Cloud Ying urgently needs to find a face recognition algorithm with high accuracy that can support various scenarios of operators.
Time Cloud UK has built a PaaS platform integrating intelligent identification, cloud computing and big data technology according to the actual needs of customer projects to provide operators with value-added services based on intelligent identification technology; The key link is to provide stable real name authentication services for operators through Baidu AI algorithm. The platform has the following functions:
(1) Core face recognition and authentication capability
The face real name authentication platform system running locally on the intranet server supports the real name authentication business needs of operators' customers, and independently provides the basic capabilities of face comparison, live detection, identity verification and certificate recognition for the surrounding systems.
(2) Resource monitoring and operation management capability
The visual management platform allows management and maintenance personnel to query the resource status of the real name authentication system, business operation data, and details of the real name authentication results.
(3) H5 access
The unified APP platform of operators is supported to access the real name authentication platform in H5 mode to meet the user real name authentication application scenarios.
The user process is as follows:

1: Intelligent authentication of user identity
 STEP1 Users upload photos of front and back of ID cards
STEP1 Users upload photos of front and back of ID cards
 STEP2 Users record real-time authentication video
STEP2 Users record real-time authentication video
 STEP3 system compares user name, ID card number and face image collected on site with authoritative data source through OCR ID card recognition, live detection and face recognition privatization deployment technology to verify user identity
STEP3 system compares user name, ID card number and face image collected on site with authoritative data source through OCR ID card recognition, live detection and face recognition privatization deployment technology to verify user identity

2: Background certification work order list

3: Background Service Request List

4: Background work order flow monitoring

Landing condition
The front end of the real name authentication system of Time Yunying is designed in different product forms to meet the use needs of mobile terminal and PC terminal business scenarios.

Mobile terminal verification of online business hall: for the identity verification business of the operator's online business hall, complete the customer identity authorization process required by the key business processing process, such as: identity verification, live person detection, real name information supplement, order confirmation, face brushing authorization and unlocking.

Verification on PC side of offline business hall: for the needs of on-site real name information entry and data supplementary entry of operators' offline business hall, it provides business hall service personnel with solutions for face collection, live detection and witness comparison based on PC side CRM system. Prevent customers from using others' ID cards to handle business, and improve the efficiency of customer service personnel.
Technical capability
Voice technology
Character recognition
Face and Human Body
Image technology
Language and knowledge
video technique