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All customer cases - Mint Technology
Mint Technology
Peppermint Technology focuses on personal health management services. Its food and nutrition management app, Peppermint Health, has helped tens of millions of users achieve multiple health goals such as fat reduction, shaping, nutrition during pregnancy, etc. through professional diet matching suggestions.
Use product
Support and communication
AI helps to standardize diet management and understand healthy life in one click
Value achievements
1. The "take a picture before dinner" function of the peppermint health APP can recognize more than 1000 kinds of dishes after accessing the dish recognition technology. The user can identify the dish name and calorie information by photographing the dishes before eating, and generate scientific and healthy dietary intake suggestions for users according to the daily calorie intake standards under different health goals.

2. After accessing the general character recognition (high-precision version) technology, the recognition accuracy rate of the Peppermint Health APP's "Understanding the ingredient list" function has been improved to more than 99%. Users can quickly analyze the ingredients in the ingredient list and inform users of the health information hidden behind it by scanning the ingredient list information on the food package, effectively avoiding the additive ingredients that are harmful to human health.
Case Story
Core demands
For healthy people who pursue the goal of reducing fat and shaping, reasonable diet control is an indispensable part of the fitness plan. High calorie and additive ingredients in modern diet are the main causes of many diseases. Due to the lack of professional theoretical knowledge, ordinary users can not accurately calculate the caloric intake of each meal, and the pursuit of diet is difficult to ensure the balance between nutrition and energy supply and demand. Mint Health, as an app that provides food and nutrition management services, hopes to have a simple operation mode, so that users can easily understand and control the nutrition of food intake and the rationality of food consumption, so as to eat healthily and healthily.
Mint Health learned that the image recognition service provided by Baidu Brain can easily achieve intelligent image recognition capability, and decisively connected Baidu food recognition technology to the "take a picture before dinner" function of its "Mint Health" app. Users can accurately calculate the reasonable amount of food intake in combination with health goals by simply opening the app to scan food.

At the same time, Baidu OCR universal character recognition (high-precision version) service is also accessed in the "Understanding ingredient list" function of the app. Users can scan the ingredient list of packaged food they want to know, and then analyze whether the ingredient information is beneficial to human health.

Introduction to two new functions of access:

• Function 1 "Take a photo before dinner"

Open the "Mint Health" APP, select the "Take a picture before dinner" function, take a picture and select the dishes to be identified, and then quickly generate the identification results and intake suggestions after identifying the food pictures;

• Function 2 "Understanding the ingredient list"

Open the "Mint Health" APP, select the "Understand the ingredient list" function, select the photo and confirm the picture to automatically analyze the additive ingredients in the packaging ingredient list.
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Technical capability
Voice technology
Character recognition
Face and Human Body
Image technology
Language and knowledge
video technique