Technical capability
Voice technology
Image technology
Character recognition
Face and Human Recognition
video technique
AR and VR
natural language processing
knowledge graph
Data Intelligence
Industry capability
Deployment scheme
Industrial application
Intelligent education
Intelligent medical treatment
Smart retail
Intelligent industry
Enterprise services
Intelligent government
Intelligent agriculture
information service
Smart Park
Intelligent hardware
Experience AI
Open Baidu APP
"Sweep" experience immediately
Course training ecological partner plan
Combining their own advantages in education and training, enterprises and users interested in Baidu Brain AI products and technologies provide online training, offline teaching, enterprise internal training and other services
Detailed classification of partners
Type 1
Online training partners
It can independently set up AI related video teaching courses, and provide corresponding student management, organizational learning, question answering and other services to help students learn and understand related courses.
Type 2
Offline teaching partners
It has a sound offline education and training system and organization management mode, has the qualification and ability to set up offline training classes, and can provide perfect teaching management services.
Type 3
Course production partners
It has perfect course system design ability, course recording and post production process, rich AI related course instructor resources, and can provide targeted course production services.
Type 4
Enterprise internal training partner
Be able to design targeted training programs and provide corresponding training services according to the specific training needs of the enterprise and the technical ability of the trainees.
Partner Benefits and Standards
Cooperative interests
Grading requirements
Registered Partner
Business support
Training and learning material support
Baidu Cloud Basic Resources Gift Bag
Displayed in partner finder (need to enter AI market)
Dedicated technical/business support
Co construction of brands
Partner licensing
Invited to participate in Baidu Brain Technology Ecology related activities
Baidu Brain Technology Ecological Exclusive Channel Publicity
Sales Support
Settle in Baidu AI market
Share lead resources
*Baidu reserves the right of final interpretation
Partner Presentation
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Qualification review
Business communication