A folk prescription for toothache

informal essay ten thousand four hundred and ninety-three 14 years ago (2010-12-18)

The treatment of toothache is as follows:

1. Smash garlic, warm it and apply it on the pain spot to treat pulpitis, periodontitis, toothache and other symptoms.

2. Melt the monosodium glutamate at a concentration of 1:50 with warm water, and spit out the monosodium glutamate solution in your mouth soon. In this way, the toothache will be cured after two days.

3. When you have toothache, you can cut a small piece of ginger and bite it on the sore spot. If necessary, you can reuse it. It's OK to put it in your mouth when sleeping. This is a safe and reliable prescription.

4. Take 100g ordinary liquor and put it into the teapot, add 10g salt; Stir, wait for the salt to dissolve, and then put it on the furnace to boil. Take a mouthful at the painful place, be careful not to swallow it, and the toothache will stop immediately.

5. Mouthwash: With a mouthful of water (the temperature is close to the body temperature), rinse the mouth forcefully.

6. Massage hands: This method can relieve 50% of the pain. Take a piece of ice to rub the "V" belt connecting the thumb and the forefinger bone, and gently press the ice on this part for 5-7 minutes. A Canadian researcher found that 60-90% of people who used this method had less toothache. His research shows that this friction method can interfere with the conduction of nerve impulses in toothache.

7. Massage Hegu acupoint with ice for 5 minutes.

The first prescription is: take garlic to make trouble, warm it and apply it on the pain point to treat pulpitis, periodontitis, toothache and other symptoms.

The second test formula is: after the monosodium glutamate is boiled with warm water at a concentration of 1:50, the solution containing monosodium glutamate in the mouth will be vomited out in a short time. In this way, the toothache will be cured after two days.

The third prescription is: when you have toothache, you can cut a small piece of ginger and bite it on the sore spot. If necessary, you can reuse it. It's OK to put it in your mouth when you sleep. This is a safe and reliable prescription.

The fourth test formula is: take 100g ordinary liquor and put it into the teapot with 10g salt; Stir, wait for the salt to dissolve, and then put it on the furnace to boil. Take a mouthful at the painful place, be careful not to swallow it, and the toothache will stop immediately.

Toothache due to excess fire and deficiency fire

As the saying goes, toothache is not a disease. It hurts to death. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that toothache is the human body

It is caused by the rise of real and false fire. It is caused by solid fire, with short pain course and severe pain; Asthenic fire

It causes long pain course, continuous pain and loose teeth.

(1) 1 balsam pear, mashed like mud, mixed with white sugar, and filtered two hours later

Out, cold clothes. Take it three times consecutively.

(2) Boil fresh chicken blood and take it hot.

The above two methods are mainly used to treat the real fire toothache.

(3) Boil porridge with lily, lotus seed and rice, and eat it after cooling. Once a day.

(4) Water chestnuts, raw lotus roots, fresh Mao roots, fried in water, take the juice and drink it several times a day.

(5) Add 100g of raw ground to rice and cook it into porridge. Add some sugar to porridge and cool it


The above three parties mainly treat toothache due to deficiency fire.

Ginger stops toothache

Ginger has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. In case of toothache, take a piece of fresh ginger and bite it on the painful tooth. If necessary, use it repeatedly.

Monosodium glutamate for relieving toothache

Take a little monosodium glutamate and directly apply it to the toothache; Or add proper amount of MSG into boiling water to melt, and rinse repeatedly after cooling, with good analgesic effect.

Acupoint pressing to stop toothache

For upper toothache, remove the Guan point, and for lower toothache, remove the buccal car point. For upper and lower toothache, add Hegu point on the same side, press the point with your thumb and gently rub it, and repeat until the toothache disappears.

A small prescription for toothache

The first prescription is: take garlic to make trouble, warm it and apply it on the pain point to treat pulpitis, periodontitis, toothache and other symptoms.

The second test formula is: after the monosodium glutamate is boiled with warm water at a concentration of 1:50, the solution containing monosodium glutamate in the mouth will be vomited out in a short time. In this way, the toothache will be cured after two days.

The third prescription is: when you have toothache, you can cut a small piece of ginger and bite it on the sore spot. If necessary, you can reuse it. It's OK to put it in your mouth when you sleep. This is a safe and reliable prescription.

The fourth test formula is: take 100g ordinary liquor and put it into the teapot with 10g salt; Stir, wait for the salt to dissolve, and then put it on the furnace to boil. Take a mouthful at the painful place, be careful not to swallow it, and the toothache will stop immediately.

Toothache diet prescription

Toothache can generally be divided into three types: caries toothache, wind heat toothache, and asthenic fire toothache. Here are nine food treatments for toothache. You may as well have a try.

Fang Yi: Congee with Salted Egg and Oyster Sauce

Two salted duck eggs, 100g oyster beans (dried oyster meat), and some rice for porridge for 2-3 days. It is suitable for people with toothache due to inflammation of weak fire.

Recipe 2: Preserved Egg, Bean Curd and Pork Congee

2 preserved eggs, 60g watery bean curd, 100g salty lean pork, and some rice (or millet) for porridge for 2-3 days. It is suitable for people suffering from dental caries due to weak fire.

Fang 3: Preserved Egg with Oyster and Black Bean Sauce and Salted Pork Congee

100g oyster sauce, 2 preserved eggs, 100g salted lean pork, and some rice for porridge. It is suitable for those with swollen teeth due to yin deficiency and hoarseness of throat.

Fang 4: Achyranthes Bidentata Black Bean Congee

12g achyranthes bidentata, 15g raw rehmannia glutinosa, 15g cooked rehmannia glutinosa, 60g black beans, 100g japonica rice. Wash each item with water, cut rehmannia into pieces, add proper amount of water to cook porridge, remove the residues of achyranthes bidentata and rehmannia, and use a little salt to taste and eat at will. It is suitable for elderly patients with weak body and healthy qi.

Formula 5: Mussel Cistanche Black Bean Soup

30g mussel (mussel, seafood), 30g cistanche, 150g black beans. Wash the mussel mud, wash the black beans, slice the cistanche, put some water in the pot and boil for more than 1 hour, then take the juice and take it once. Take one dose every day for several days until the toothache recovers. Mussels enter the kidney meridian to nourish yin and reduce fire; Black beans can tonify the kidney, remove heat arthralgia in the chest, and dissipate heat in the five internal organs. It is suitable for people with caries, toothache and swollen and painful gums.

Formula 6: Dog Liver, Vegetable and Tofu Soup

250g dog liver vegetables (herbal medicine), 250g bean curd, wash the second flavor with water, add proper amount of water to cook, remove dog liver vegetables, add seasonings, drink soup and eat bean curd. It is suitable for those with liver fire, wind heat, caries, redness, swelling and pain. (It is forbidden to use it in case of false fire)

Recipe 7: Stewed lean meat with willow root

50 grams of willow roots and 100 grams of lean pork. Wash Erwei and add proper amount of water to the pot. After seasoning, drink soup and eat meat. It is suitable for those who suffer from wind fire toothache with swollen gums and swollen cheeks.

Formula 8: Mung bean egg syrup

100g mung beans, 1 egg, some rock sugar. Mash the mung beans, wash them with water, put some water in the pot, boil until the mung beans are rotten, put the eggs into the mung bean soup, mix well, take them once after cooling slightly, and take them for 2-3 days. It is suitable for people with wind heat toothache, red, swollen and hot mouth pain.

Fang Jiu: Tiger Falling Fire Soup

30 grams of gypsum, 9 grams of achyranthes bidentata, 6 grams of cortex moutan, 100 grams of mung beans, and some rice. First, mash gypsum and mung beans, then put each medicine into a gauze bag, sew it, put it into a casserole, add some water and rice to cook porridge, and then make the porridge into a medicine removing bag to drink porridge. Gypsum cold is the product of diminishing inflammation and falling fire; Achyranthes bidentata induces heat downward to dissipate heat; Danpi promotes blood circulation and dissipates blood stasis; Mung bean can clear heat, detoxify and diminish inflammation. It is suitable for strong patients with strong heat. Do not take it if the body is weak and the stomach is qi deficient.

Toothache is a common disease. The symptoms are: red and swollen gums, pain caused by cold and heat, swelling of cheeks, etc. Toothache is mostly caused by infection of dental pulp (dental nerve) caused by gingivitis and periodontitis, caries (tooth decay) or broken teeth. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that toothache is caused by exogenous wind evil, stomach fire, kidney deficiency and fire, and tooth erosion caused by insects. Gingivitis is a common periodontal disease. It is because of not paying attention to oral hygiene that the teeth are surrounded by food Long term stimulation caused by soft tartar formed by residues, bacteria and other substances and hard dental calculus, incorrect brushing habits, vitamin deficiency and other reasons.

The gums are bright red or purplish red, swollen, and soft. Sometimes there is erosion at the gingival margin or hyperplasia and eversion of the inner bud tissue. When brushing or eating, the gums are easy to bleed, but generally there is no spontaneous bleeding. The patient has no obvious conscious symptoms. Sometimes there may be itching or swelling, and bad breath.

Periodontitis is a common oral disease, and its etiology is complex. If the stimulation of local factors such as tartar, dental calculus, embedded food, and poor restorations, the gingiva is damaged, and the effect of bacteria, the periodontal membrane is broken; Obstacles in absorption and utilization of vitamin C; Periodontitis can be caused by the deficiency of vitamin D and the decline of body resistance caused by various factors.

Toothache is the main symptom of this disease. In the early stage, the gums are itchy, uncomfortable, and bad breath. Then the gums are red, swollen, soft, easy to bleed, painful, and recurrent. After a long time, the periodontal membrane of the gum and the root of the tooth is damaged, forming a bag, called the periodontal bag. There is often pus overflow in the bag, and the inflammation continues to expand, which can become a periodontal abscess. The condition gets worse, and local pain and swelling become hard at first, then soft, wavy, and can be worn out by itself, and pus flows out. After the pus flows out, the pain can be alleviated, or repeated, very painful.

Precautions for self treatment

(1) Pay attention to oral hygiene and form a good habit of "brushing teeth in the morning and evening, and gargling after meals".

(2) Timely treat tooth decay.

(3) Don't eat sugar, biscuits and other starches before going to bed.

(4) It is advisable to eat more food that can clear stomach fire and liver fire, such as pumpkin, watermelon, water chestnut, celery, and Luoka.

(5) Avoid alcohol and hot hot food.

(6) Being irritable and easily angered can cause toothache, so it is advisable to be open-minded and calm.

(7) Keep the stool unobstructed, and do not make the fecal poison attack.

(8) Do not eat too hard food, and eat less sour, too cold and overheated food.

Self therapy

1. Self treatment of patent medicine

(1) Shoutang Yatong'an Capsule, 2 tablets each time, 3 times a day.

(2) Metronidazole tablets, 0.2g each time, three times a day.

(3) Bezoar detoxification pills, 3 tablets each time, 3 times a day. This prescription has the effect of catharsis and purging fire.

(4) Bushen Guchi Pill, 4g each time, twice a day. For the elderly with loose teeth and dull pain, it should be taken for a long time.

2. Self treatment with proven prescriptions

(1) 12g of Cynanchum paniculatum, decocted twice, mixed and taken twice, one dose per day.

(2) 30 grams of verbena, decocted in water, 1 dose per day.

(3) 15 grams of Chinese nutgall, fried with thick juice and gargle.

(4) 30 g Heshi, 30 g gypsum, 30 g rehmannia glutinosa, 12 g ophiopogon japonicus, 20 g achyranthes bidentata, 9 g anemarrhena asphodeloides, decoction, 3 times a day, 1 dose a day.

(5) 1 root of scallion white, 15g of alum, mash up the medicine, place it in the toothache, and change it every 5 hours. This prescription is applicable to toothache caused by various reasons, including solid fire toothache, weak fire toothache, caries toothache, etc. Toothache is a common symptom caused by various tooth diseases and periodontitis.

(6) 2 cloves of old garlic, 5g of light powder. Both of them can be smashed and pasted into the channel holes, covered with a small clam shell, or covered with something else. They can also be tied up. When they are young, they feel slightly hot. A bubble forms inside, broken with a needle, and then the yellow water flows away. The acupoints of Jingqu are located on the root of thumbs of both hands and in the recess under the pulse.

(7) 6 grams of ginger, 6 grams of garlic, 12 grams of tea, and 12 grams of clematis. Mash the medicine, mix sesame oil and egg white, and apply it externally to the Valley Point and Yongquan Point. This prescription mainly treats toothache caused by deficiency fire and kidney yin deficiency.

(8) 2-3 single headed garlic. Peel the garlic and simmer it on the stove until it is cooked. When the garlic is cold, iron the soup while it is hot. This prescription is used to treat tooth pain and has the efficacy of sterilization and detoxification.

3. Diet self therapy

(1) 100g mung beans, 15g licorice, boiled in water, remove residue, eat beans and drink soup, twice a day, one dose a day.

(2) 1 pork loin, a little salt, 15g Rhizoma Drynariae, boiled meat and soup, 1 dose per day. It is used for those who suffer from kidney deficiency, floating teeth, dull toothache, and fatigue.

(3) Some brown sugar, a handful of buckwheat root, fried in water, serve several times. It is used to treat children's toothache.

(4) Appropriate amount of pork, 30g fresh water celery root, fried in water, take several times.

(5) 100g fresh ginger, 500g towel gourd, wash the fresh towel gourd, cut it into sections, wash the fresh ginger, and slice it. Boil the leaves for 3 hours. Drink soup twice a day. This prescription is used to treat swollen and painful gums, dry mouth and dry nose, and epistaxis (nosebleed). It has the effect of clearing heat, detoxifying, swelling and pain relieving.

4. External treatment and self treatment

(1) Yunnan Baiyao powder is heated with water to form a thin paste, which can be directly applied to caries cavities and gums.

(2) Take several Liushen Pills, place them in the cavity of caries, and bite them tightly to relieve pain.

(3) Cut a piece of ginger and bite it on the pain. If necessary, use it repeatedly to relieve the pain.

(4) A proper amount of camphor and borneol, ground into fine powder, put it on the toothache, and make the patient breathe in to relieve the pain.

(5) 10 lychees. Fill the meat with a little salt, simmer it dry with fire, grind it into powder, and rub the pain.

(6) Take 120g of aged vinegar, 30g of Chinese prickly ash and boil for 10 minutes. After being wet, put it in your mouth for 3-5 minutes and spit it out (do not swallow it) to stop toothache.

5. Other self treatment methods

Percussion: After getting up in the morning every day, close your mouth, knock 300 times with the upper and lower teeth, and swallow saliva three times at the same time.

Each time, knock 36 times before urinating, and then urinate. After 3 months of practice, the toothache will not recur.