Unpack a new keyboard

August 22, 2020 2524 point heat 1 person likes 0 comments

First, a theme map~


A 100 yuan entry-level membrane keyboard of Logitech has been used for nearly three years,

The idea of changing a new keyboard is getting stronger and stronger,

I wanted to bite the bullet and buy Amillo, but I saw this AKKO Bili Bili joint brand. I have to say, it's really beautiful,
When the salary has just been paid and the wallet has not dried up, place the order decisively.



Unpack the keyboard after unpacking the express


The overall color of the keyboard is the blue of the small broken station, which is fresh, clean, and doesn't look very feminine (those who use the masculine powder are all warriors)

The key cap is the sublimation of PBT, and the shaft is Cherry's green shaft, which is as cool as ever.


Physical display


Close up of small broken station


Other places don't take photos one by one,
Anyway, the keyboard workmanship looks pretty good, and the appearance is online,
The interface of the connecting line is still TypeC, which is highly praised,
The only pity is that this model not only has no RGB, but also has no basic backlight,
I haven't found any other shortcomings. After all, the high price is just my weakness, not Ta's.

The keyboard can be summed up in one word: good looking



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