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Zblogphp Tutorial

Zblogphp Tutorial Summary

Zblogphp prompt: XML parsing error: XML or text declaration is not at the beginning of the entity

A customer went to Tianxing Studio and said that when the feed.php file of one of his zblogphp websites was opened, he was prompted: "XML parsing error: XML or text declaration is not at the beginning of the entity." Then he went to the background of his website to check, and found that the feed.php file was OK. When Firefox browser opened, it was prompted: "XML parsing error: XML or text declaration is not at the beginning of the entity..."

Zblogphp Tutorial 2016-07-30 five thousand nine hundred and sixty-two 0 Comments

Summary of zblogphp article thumbnail calling methods

The year before last, I wrote an article "The method of zblogphp calling article thumbnails", and was told that the method did not work This article summarizes all the methods of the latest zblogphp calling article thumbnails. Direct native php code call: the code used by Tianxing Studio itself, directly code: {php} $temp=m

Zblogphp Tutorial 2016-06-17 nine thousand four hundred and eighty-three 3 Comments

Zblogphp obtains articles of multiple categories and sorts them according to the specified requirements (the latest hot reviews)

This article is reproduced from the Bird Blog. The original address is: Because this method is too easy to use, and the bird's writing is too simple... So I reorganized and distributed them, hoping to help friends in need. The following is an encapsulated function. Copy and paste the code into the

Zblogphp Tutorial 2016-04-18 nine thousand one hundred and forty-six 2 Comments

Detailed description of tag calling in zblogphp header format

Tianxing Studio has written several articles related to the website title before. Today's article is more specific. It mainly focuses on various tag calls in the title format. After understanding this, you can arrange the title format you want. First, find the location we want to modify. The title is usually in the template's header. php file (please refer to the zblogphp topic modification tutorial for how to find this file)

Zblogphp Tutorial 2016-03-29 eight thousand nine hundred and fifty-five 1 Comments

Modification method of zblogphp member level name (author reviewer administrator), etc
 Modification method of zblogphp member level name (author reviewer administrator), etc

Today, a customer asked us where to modify the membership level names (author reviewer administrator) in the background membership management of zblogphp? This article will talk about this problem in detail. First, the file path to be modified: Simplified Chinese version File path:/zb_users/language/zh-cn.php Traditional Chinese version

Zblogphp Tutorial 2016-03-15 six thousand eight hundred and twenty-five 2 Comments

The method of zblogphp to add member registration function
 The method of zblogphp to add member registration function

Although zblogphp is a blog program, there is still a membership module. This function is not enabled by default. To use it, follow the steps below. Open the background application center, search for "registered components", install the plug-in and enable it. In this way, the membership function is almost enabled. This plug-in was written by a doctor and belongs to the official plug-in. Inherited the doctor's consistent style of introduction, no introduction

Zblogphp Tutorial 2016-02-19 twelve thousand three hundred and seventy-nine 6 Comments

The method environment for zblogphp to do 310 redirection is Apache+. htaccess
 The method environment for zblogphp to do 310 redirection is Apache+. htaccess

I made a zblogphp 301 redirect for a customer. The environment is Apache+. htaccess. I recorded the method and process, hoping to help friends in need. First, create a new ". htaccess" file in the root directory of the host (if you set pseudo static, the file already exists in the root directory), and then copy the following code: Rewr

Zblogphp Tutorial 2016-01-16 six thousand five hundred and fifteen 2 Comments

Zblogphp calls tag tags separately (popular tags/random tags)

There is a tag list module in the module management of zblogphp, but it can only be called in the right column, and only the latest tag can be called. It is not convenient to call tags separately in the topic. This article brings you the code to call a specified number of popular tags and random tags. The code comes from the bird blog (original address:

Zblogphp Tutorial 2015-12-04 ten thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine 7 Comments

Instructions for the zblogphp dual theme plug-in
 Instructions for the zblogphp dual theme plug-in

Zblogphp has a "dual theme mobile call" plug-in, which can be used to create two themes, one for the computer side theme and the other for the mobile side theme. It is applicable to users with special display requirements for mobile phones. This article introduces how to use this plug-in. Because it is very rudimentary, it is better to use pictures directly. Open the background of zblogphp -- application center, search

Zblogphp Tutorial 2015-11-26 six thousand seven hundred and thirty-seven 7 Comments

The method of adding hot articles, latest articles and other blocks to the right column of zblogphp
 The method of adding hot articles, latest articles and other blocks to the right column of zblogphp

Many friends have some ideas about the block on the right side of the website when using zblogphp. For example, they want to add some advertisements (see the tutorial: How to add advertising space in zblog? How to add advertising space in zblog), add some custom blocks, and just want to add some popular articles and the latest articles. This article is devoted to adding the latest popular articles in the right column of zblogphp

Zblogphp Tutorial 2015-11-05 seven thousand four hundred and ninety 1 Comments

Zblogphp calls an article under a column to specify that the first article is different from others
 Zblogphp calls an article under a column to specify that the first article is different from others

Recently, a friend asked Tianxing Studio zblogphp how to call articles in a column? What if the first article uses a different display interface than the following one? This article comes to the sample code and tries to explain it. First, code: {foreachGetlist (10,2, null, null, null, null, array ('has_s

Zblogphp Tutorial 2015-10-27 seven thousand one hundred and twenty-two 6 Comments

Set writing method of zblogphp breadcrumb navigation

First of all, let's talk about the introduction and function of crumb navigation: the concept of breadcrumb navigation comes from the fairy tale "Hansel and Gretel". When Hansel and Gretel went through the forest, they got lost accidentally, but they found that bread crumbs were scattered on the places they passed along the way to help them find their way home. So, breadcrumb navigation

Zblogphp Tutorial 2015-10-08 eight thousand and twelve 3 Comments

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