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Zblogasp Tutorial

Zblogasp Tutorial Summary

The zblogasp comment prompts "the name or email address is not in the correct format" after deleting the email address and web address

There are four items to be filled in the comment module of zblogasp: name, email, website and comment content. Many friends think that email and website are useless and want to delete them. Then we found that the email address and web address were deleted from the "b_article_commentpost. html" template file of the theme. As a result, we found that when the foreground submitted comments, it prompted "the name or email address is not in the correct format". At this time, we need to go further

Zblogasp Tutorial 2016-07-11 ten thousand four hundred and twenty 2 Comments

Zblogasp2.2 Obtaining sub classifications under classification

Today, on the official zblog forum, someone asked, "How can I get the list of subcategories in version 2.2 of ZBLOG?" I remember that there seems to have been such a demand before, so I turned it up and found an article. Statement: This method must rely on the "YTCMS" plug-in. The Zblogasp version of ytcms has been taken off the shelf by the author. Please search this website for "ytcms" to download it

Zblogasp Tutorial 2016-07-08 seven thousand four hundred and sixty-four 0 Comments

Why hasn't the mobile phone changed after the adaptive theme of zblogasp was changed?

Well, I have met several friends who have been asking this question recently, and I think it is necessary to write an article about it. Why hasn't the mobile phone changed after the adaptive theme of zblogasp was changed? Because the zblogasp program comes with a "wap plug-in", it will automatically pop out of the wap interface of the plug-in if you use the mobile terminal to access the website. So many friends found that after installing the adaptive theme

Zblogasp Tutorial 2016-03-07 eight thousand two hundred and thirty-one 0 Comments

Solution to unknown ytcms error in zblogasp
 Solution to unknown ytcms error in zblogasp

Zblogasp is really An error is "unknown error". I don't know how to find the problem and fix it. However, if you encounter many problems, you can probably guess what is wrong. This may be called experience. This article tells you how to solve the unknown error of ytcms in the use of zblogasp. This kind of error is usually caused by the theme

Zblogasp Tutorial 2015-08-28 eight thousand and sixteen 1 Comments

Introduction to Zblogasp Add Related Articles Function Code Call

Someone asked me "What about the function of the relevant articles of the zblogasp version?" This website wrote an article "Function calling code of the relevant articles of the zblogphp version". This article will introduce the relevant articles of the zblogasp version. The calling code of relevant articles in the zblogasp version is:<# template: article_mutality #>

Zblogasp Tutorial 2015-07-10 nine thousand one hundred and thirty-four 0 Comments

The first lesson of zblog template development: a complete set of zblog tag calls

Tianxing Studio is going to do a series of tutorials related to zblog template development. Video+article, welcome your attention. At the same time, it is recommended to add Tianxing Studio's QQ group, a communication group and a customer group. Relevant tutorials will be shared in the group first. See the group number on the right → Since it is the development of zblog templates, the first thing is to understand the calling of zblog tags and the role and composition of template files. In fact, these things are in zbl

Zblogasp Tutorial 2015-05-25 twenty-two thousand and sixty-eight 4 Comments

Why does zblog need file reconstruction? Why is the file reconstruction missing?
 Why does zblog need file reconstruction? Why is the file reconstruction missing?

Many newcomers to zblog will have this question: "Why does zblog need file reconstruction? Why is the file reconstruction missing?" This article will answer your next question. Why does zblog need file reconstruction? When you modify the content of the website settings, or modify the zblog theme template, etc., the background of zblog will prompt you to "file reconstruction". Because the zblogasp content page is a pure static file, you need to re create these articles after modifying some things

Zblogasp Tutorial 2015-04-21 ten thousand eight hundred and eighty-three 7 Comments

The method of zblogasp calling summary and controlling the number of words

This article introduces the "method for zblogasp to call summary and control the number of words". Only for zblogasp programs, you need to install the "ytcms" plug-in. There are two cases. The first one is directly used in the zblogasp template. The code is as follows: {eval set art=new TArticle} {if ar

Zblogasp Tutorial 2015-04-19 nine thousand two hundred and forty-one 0 Comments

Word wrap: break word attribute in css

Today, a netizen left a message on the "Tianxing Studio" website saying that our template had a bug, which is specifically reflected in that if there are dozens of consecutive letters in the published articles, line breaks cannot be forced, affecting the beauty. After checking by Tianxing Studio, we found this situation. Then we roughly studied it and solved this problem, using the "word wrap" attribute in css. So what is this attribute

Zblogasp Tutorial 2015-03-25 five thousand six hundred and sixty-seven 0 Comments

Beginner Tutorial: How to operate the zblog sidebar
 Beginner Tutorial: How to operate the zblog sidebar

Before writing this article, I told you a secret: "Don't log in to the background of your zblog with ie browser, because it doesn't support it. Hahahaha, what the hell. "This inexplicable beginning is to tell you that if you log in to the background of zblog with ie browser, the operation method of the zblog sidebar in this article is invalid for you. To get to the point. Recently, many people found that when using the zblog template of Tianxing Studio, there is a sidebar on the home page, and the sidebar on the content page is a

Zblogasp Tutorial 2015-03-15 eight thousand nine hundred and thirty-two 4 Comments

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