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The method of zblogasp calling summary and controlling the number of words

Tianxing Studio 2015-04-19 23:25 Zblogasp Tutorial nine thousand two hundred and eighty-four 0 Comments

This article introduces“ zblogasp Call Summary And control the number of words ", only for zblog Asp program, need to install“ ytcms ”Plug in.

There are two cases, the first is in the Zblogasp template It is directly used inside, and the code is as follows:

 {eval set art = new TArticle} {if art.LoadInfoByID(<#article/id#>)} {$left(replace(TransferHTML(art.Content,"[nohtml]")," ",""),100)} {/if} {eval set art = nothing}...

The Arabic numeral "100" in the above code represents the number of words in the call summary. To increase or decrease the number of words in the call summary, just modify this number.

The second case is used in the ytcms code. The code is as follows:

 {$left(replace(TransferHTML(Article.intro,"[nohtml]")," ",""),40)&"..."}

Similarly, you need to increase or decrease the number of words in the call summary and modify the "40" in the above code.

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