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The collection of zblogasp1.8 common plug-ins: ytcms1.8, xiaoyi_FirstIMG, NOBIRDArticleSEO

Recently, a customer wanted to make a set of zblog templates with zblog sp 1.8. Why didn't he use zblog sp 2.2 or the latest zblog php? The answer is only 1.8... Well, all right. 1.8 I haven't touched it for a long time, and I encountered many problems in the process of doing it. Some plug-ins to be used have been removed from the official shelves and haven't been downloaded, so after solving them one by one, I want to package some common plug-ins to people who need them to download them

resources 2016-11-06 seven thousand two hundred and sixty 2 Comments

Zblogasp2.2 Obtaining sub classifications under classification

Today, on the official zblog forum, someone asked, "How can I get the list of subcategories in version 2.2 of ZBLOG?" I remember that there seems to have been such a demand before, so I turned it up and found an article. Statement: This method must rely on the "YTCMS" plug-in. The Zblogasp version of ytcms has been taken off the shelf by the author. Please search this website for "ytcms" to download it

Zblogasp Tutorial 2016-07-08 seven thousand four hundred and sixty-four 0 Comments

Solution to unknown ytcms error in zblogasp
 Solution to unknown ytcms error in zblogasp

Zblogasp is really An error is "unknown error". I don't know how to find the problem and fix it. However, if you encounter many problems, you can probably guess what is wrong. This may be called experience. This article tells you how to solve the unknown error of ytcms in the use of zblogasp. This kind of error is usually caused by the theme

Zblogasp Tutorial 2015-08-28 eight thousand and sixteen 1 Comments

Zblog prerequisite plug-in: ytcms download Zblog asp version ytcms plug-in download address
 Zblog prerequisite plug-in: ytcms download Zblog asp version ytcms plug-in download address

The ytcms of the zblogasp version has been taken off the shelf The application center relies on the theme of ytcms to grasp a lot of topics, which makes it a lot of fun I don't know when we will be able to resume the online service, but Yu thinks that we are bored by the users of ytcms, because it seems that many hosts will make all kinds of inexplicable errors when using ytcms. SO...... By Zblogasp of Tianxing Studio

resources 2015-08-04 nineteen thousand three hundred and sixty-six 9 Comments

The method of zblogasp calling summary and controlling the number of words

This article introduces the "method for zblogasp to call summary and control the number of words". Only for zblogasp programs, you need to install the "ytcms" plug-in. There are two cases. The first one is directly used in the zblogasp template. The code is as follows: {eval set art=new TArticle} {if ar

Zblogasp Tutorial 2015-04-19 nine thousand two hundred and forty-one 0 Comments

Reprint: ytcms advanced tutorial Niu X's ytcms

After reading an article, I found that: Well, zblog+ytcms is really omnipotent This article is reprinted from the official website of the author "Yuting" of ytcms. It is a post bar made by zblog. If you are interested, please look around: The content is as follows: traverse all classification sets:<! --

course 2015-02-06 seven thousand two hundred and thirty-eight 1 Comments

Zblogasp calls the background calling method of an article in a column

The title of this article is very wordy. In fact, it means that "the background can control which column is called when a certain block of the website homepage calls an article of a certain column." It is very simple to use ytcms to call an article of a certain column, but how can you change the calling column in the background at will? Let's go to universal ytcms. First, let's start with the complete code:<dd><h2>{$Categories (&l

course 2014-10-21 six thousand nine hundred and eighty-seven 1 Comments

Tell me about your recent experience

Recently, I have been tossing about a theme in the "Tianxing Studio Customized Theme Blue cms". This theme was made with some thought, but because of the need to use ytcms plug-in support, and ytcms is a paid plug-in (15 yuan each), the user said that this theme was fooled when selling the first one because it did not indicate that ytcms support was needed. ⊙ ﹏ ⊙ B Khan later thought that the theme didn't sell well because

diary 2014-06-17 five thousand eight hundred and sixty-two 6 Comments

The method for zblog list page and content page to call articles in the same column

The list page and content page of zblog need to call articles of the same column. Many friends have consulted me about this function. In fact, it is a very simple function in other cms programs. But don't forget that zblog is just a blog program. Although it is said that zblog is an excellent blog program, it can't be used as a cms! Then what shall I do? Fortunately, there is a "ytcms" plug-in developed by the Great Xia "Yu Ting", which is really a powerful plug-in, as powerful as zb

course 2014-05-30 eight thousand two hundred and ninety-eight 4 Comments

Reprint: Collection of tips for using the YTCMS plug-in of zblog

This article is reprinted from "toy". The original address is: click to enter. I think it is very useful. After giving 32 likes, I reprinted it for a rainy day. Log call: log data source information (this article takes 5 articles as an example, and you can change "5" to the corresponding number of articles according to your own needs) Call the article {YT: ArticleDataSource="GetArticleModel (&#

course 2014-03-20 ten thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight 0 Comments

Zblogphp calls the latest comment personalization method with ytcms
 Zblogphp calls the latest comment personalization method with ytcms

The zblogphp version wants to call the latest comments of the website on the right side of the website. The result is that the content of the latest comments is called with the call code "{module: comments}" that comes with Zbp. It is encapsulated with<li></li>. What if you want to personalize it? It can be solved with ytcms. The module in ytcms can directly call the comment content, such as

course 2014-03-07 six thousand seven hundred and twenty-four 2 Comments

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