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Tutorial of Tianxing User Center: detailed operation steps of website access to WeChat login

Tianxing Studio 2022-10-10 14:07 course two thousand six hundred and ninety-four 0 Comments

Tianxing User Center The plug-in integrates WeChat login function. WeChat login has two ways:

The first is code scanning login, which is suitable for PC browser;

The second is to open it in WeChat client website Direct login;

The two login methods need to access different platforms. This article will explain the detailed steps of the second WeChat client's direct login method by opening the website.

First, you need a WeChat official account

If you don't have a WeChat public account, please apply for one and ensure that the public account type is a service account (the one that costs 300 yuan per year to authenticate), Personal public account does not have these permissions

Get appid, etc

1. Log in to the WeChat public account background, navigate to the left to find "Settings and Development" - "Basic Configuration", set up AppID and AppSecret, and add the IP address of your website server to the IP whitelist, as shown below:

 Tutorial of Tianxing User Center: detailed operation steps of website access WeChat login AppSecret AppID User Center WeChat login Tutorial Page 1

2. On the left side of the background navigation of WeChat official account, find "Settings and Development" - "Interface Permission", and in "Web Service", find "Web Authorization" interface application, as shown below:

 Tutorial of Tianxing User Center: detailed operation steps of website access WeChat login AppSecret AppID User Center WeChat login Tutorial Page 2

3. On the open page, find "Web page authorization" domain name ”Add the domain name of your website, just fill in the domain name " com". As shown below:

 Tutorial of Tianxing User Center: detailed operation steps of website access WeChat login AppSecret AppID User Center WeChat login Tutorial Page 3

Settings in the plug-in:

After getting the AppID and AppSecret of WeChat in the previous step, you can open the background of your website and the user center plug-in configuration interface. Click on the left navigation bar The following interface appears when you log in to

 Tutorial of Tianxing User Center: detailed operation steps of WeChat login for website access AppSecret AppID User Center WeChat login Tutorial Page 4

First turn on the third-party login switch, then turn on the WeChat client direct login switch, and then fill in the AppID and AppSecret to save.

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