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Where is a. COM domain name better registered? Several domain name providers I usually register

If we don't have a special need, we recommend registering COM domain name. Of course, we have seen in recent years The price of COM domain names rises every year. Domestic domain name registrars have reached 85 yuan a year, while foreign service providers are still relatively cheap at about $10-12. Some friends asked me which service providers I registered domain names with. In fact, I have registered domain name registration businesses at home and abroad.

When we choose a domain name registrar, we first look at its price, but also see whether these service providers are safe. We should choose the service providers that have been certified by this organization, and these service providers should have a good reputation. Then we can compare the price. Here I recommend a few domain name service providers that I am using.


 Where is a. COM domain name better registered? Several Domain Name Vendors I Often Register - Page 1

NameCheap( Official website address )This is an old overseas domain name registrar with more than 20 years of experience. At the beginning of the early years, Namecheap was still an agent of a domain name agency. Now, of course, they have more users. The reason why I chose this domain name registrar is that they often have new registration activities and domain name transfer activities. Of course, their domain name renewal is more expensive. Generally, when I renew the domain name, I can transfer the domain name to another domain name service provider.


 Where is a. COM domain name better registered? Several Domain Name Vendors I Often Register - Page 2

NameSilo( Official website address )In the past few years, I used more, mainly because their domain name privacy protection room is free, while other domain name registrars charge for domain name privacy protection in the past few years. And the price of new registration and renewal of the domain name registrar's domain name is the same, there is no big difference, so those who prefer a stable price can choose their home, but their home price advantage. There are few preferential activities for new registration and renewal.


 Where is a. COM domain name better registered? Several Domain Name Vendors I Often Register - Page 3

GName( Official website address )The service provider is my concern and use in recent years, because it is more convenient for their family to register new domain names and rush to register domain name transactions. For example, if we have domain names that need to be sold, we can sell them quickly through this platform. Of course, if you need to rush to register a domain name, you can choose their home.

These three domain name registrars are my common overseas service providers. Of course, there are other service providers, including domestic domain name service providers.

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