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CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu one click reinstallation pure version system script sorting

Generally, after we purchase the server, we will directly select a familiar version to install according to the vendor's own image. Basically, there is no problem. At most, we can directly update the source to solve some software that is not built-in. However, some system vendors will customize some software in it, or sometimes we can't install some software when we install it. We will choose a custom image, but not all businesses can hang it.

 CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu one click reinstallation pure version system script sorting

For example, when Lao Zuo debugged and installed the remote desktop in the article, his own image could not be installed, so he installed the pure CentOS system( One click quick installation of CentOS7 pure system version )To solve the problem. Here Lao Zuo sees that cute students have sorted out to CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu to install the pure version system with one click. There are three kinds of regular images supported here, but CentOS only supports 6. X version (reference: )。

First, installation of prerequisite software

apt-get update -y
apt-get install -y xz-utils openssl gawk file

yum update -y
yum install -y xz openssl gawk file

It should be noted here that if the update fails, we need to change the source, such as Alibaba Cloud and 163 source. For example“ CentOS replaces Alibaba Cloud yum source to solve the problem of unable to update And Solve the problem that the Debian environment cannot update the source and replace the AliCloud image "。

Second, how to use one key script

wget --no-check-certificate -qO ' ' && chmod a+x

We need to download the script first.

bash -d/--debian [dist-name] -u/--ubuntu [dist-name] -c/--centos [dist-version

Install the version as needed.

Third, for example, install different versions

1. CentOS6.8 64 bit

bash -c 6.8 -v 64 -a

2. Debian8 64 bit

bash -d 8 -v 64 -a

3. Ubuntu 16.04 64 bit

bash -u xenial -v 64 -a

Lao Zuo doesn't test and install them one by one. Install feedback when necessary. After installation, the default password is Vicer, and we need to reset the password ourselves after installation.

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