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Alibaba Cloud lightweight application server Hong Kong machine room monthly 24 yuan/30M scheme experience test

Some time ago, Lao Zuo saw that Alibaba Cloud was slowly promoting lightweight application servers. At that time, I also told colleagues and netizens that Alibaba Cloud's product deployment was particularly confusing. Many products were in conflict with each other, and too many names were difficult to find. Originally, their purpose was to build a separate lightweight application server to expand the bandwidth of domestic and overseas computer rooms, which was launched in Hong Kong the day before yesterday.

Although the route is backhaul CN2, the price may indeed give the industry a new low. Because Lao Zuo did not contact and involve in the host business, he did not know the real cost. Is there still much room for the cost we saw before? Many people mentioned that Alibaba's slow increase of large bandwidth overseas hosts, including Hong Kong computer rooms, may bring new impacts to the industry.

However, I don't think so. After all, they also have their advantages and disadvantages. Lao Zuo directly ordered a Hong Kong lightweight ECS the day before yesterday, because he was afraid of being out of stock. In fact, there are still stocks today, and it is estimated that Alibaba Cloud is ready to go on like this for a long time. In this article, Lao Zuo is going to test this lightweight cloud server in Hong Kong.

First, basic configuration

  • CPU: 1 core
  • Memory: 1GB
  • Hard disk: 25GB SSD
  • Traffic: 1TB
  • Port: 30Mbps
  • Architecture: KVM
  • Number of IPs: 1 independent IP
  • System: Linux/Windows
  • Price: 24 yuan/month (check)
  • CPU: 1 core
  • Memory: 2GB
  • Hard disk: 50GB SSD
  • Traffic: 2TB
  • Port: 30Mbps
  • Architecture: KVM
  • Number of IPs: 1 independent IP
  • System: Linux/Windows
  • Price: 34 yuan/month (check)

Because of the possible uncertainty, what Lao Zuo delayed publishing for two days was to see the comments of netizens. Some people say that it is acceptable, while others say that the speed and bandwidth are not. In short, we need to suggest short-term testing and not buying for too long at one time.

Second, PING speed test

 Alibaba Cloud lightweight application server Hong Kong machine room monthly 24 yuan/30M scheme experience test - page 1

Here is the speed of the test in the morning. It seems that the speed of their test in the evening is slightly lower.

Third, configuration information

 CPU model: Intel (R) Xeon (R) Platinum 8163 CPU @ 2.50GHz Number of CPU cores: 1 CPU frequency: 2500.002 MHz Total hard disk size: 25.5 GB (2.5 GB Used) Total memory size: 992 MB (124 MB Used) SWAP size: 0 MB (0 MB Used) Startup duration: 0 days, 0 hour 1 min System load: 0.26, 0.07, 0.02 System: Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS Architecture: x86_64 (64 Bit) Kernel: 4.4.0-93 generic Virtualization platform: kvm

IV. IO hard disk reading and writing

 Hard disk I/O (first test): 132 MB/s Hard disk I/O (second test): 139 MB/s Hard disk I/O (third test): 139 MB/s

Fifth, download speed measurement at overseas nodes

 Alibaba Cloud lightweight application server Hong Kong machine room monthly 24 yuan/30M scheme experience test - sheet 2

Sixth, domestic nodes download speed measurement

 Alibaba Cloud lightweight application server Hong Kong machine room monthly 24 yuan/30M scheme experience test - sheet 3

VII. Route test

1. Telecommunications

 Alibaba Cloud lightweight application server Hong Kong machine room monthly 24 yuan/30M scheme experience test - sheet 4

2. Move

 Alibaba Cloud lightweight application server Hong Kong machine room monthly 24 yuan/30M scheme experience test - page 5

To sum up, we can see that the telecommunication line runs NTT, and we should be familiar with several service providers that have this line. It can be used in the daytime, but it is slow at night. It is unclear whether Ali will adjust in the future. If so, wouldn't it be. In the lightweight application server, the background interface should be mainly used for site building and projects. There are several applications that can be installed, which are different from our common ECS. I will look at other functions later. Otherwise, it would be a waste if I bought them for a month.

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