Freenom, the world's largest free domain name registrar, launched public DNS services

November 11, 2016 1911 point heat 0 likes 0 comments

DNS plays a very important role in the Internet, and this free entry into the public DNS field must be well prepared. As an old free domain name registration agency, it has rare advantages!

The official website claims that there are deployment nodes all over the world to ensure the resolution speed, make anonymous requests, and do not record any user information.

Compared with the frequent packet loss of Google DNS, freenom may be more stable (at least the speed is OK now)

No packet loss occurs in the ping test

The average ping test value of webmaster's home is 260 milliseconds

But in the long run, this public DNS is not suitable for use in China. After all, it has not deployed nodes in China, so the resolution speed will have a certain impact!


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