Zero Nine Drawing Bed Updating Instructions [20220316]

March 16, 2022 1769 points heat 2 people like 0 comments

Zero Nine Chart Bed Update Description "Must See"

Since 2016, it has been moved from the outer chain of the tree hole to the V1 version of the blue sky map bed since the end of 2018. This time, it has been upgraded to the new V2 version of the blue sky map bed,

All server data has been migrated on March 16, 2022.02. After this migration, all registered users in the station are in an unverified state (please verify the mailbox in time after login),

The login account is email, and the password is   User name+email address Combination of,

You can also reset your password by registering your email address,

If you encounter problems during login, mailbox verification or other use, please add a discussion group to contact the administrator,

Visitors are not supported to upload pictures

For official use, please register Users (To avoid abuse, the initial capacity of newly registered users is reduced to 100MB, and the original users are not affected by this adjustment)!

To maintain the rights and interests of existing users, the default user group prohibits uploading pictures,

At the same time, set the registration threshold. If you need to use it, please add a group and contact the administrator for review

Withholding communication group: nine hundred and sixty-three million two hundred and ninety-six thousand two hundred and eleven


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