Apply for IPV6 internal test qualification of Tencent Cloud CDN

March 14, 2020 3705 point heat 0 likes 4 comments

The IPV6 qualification of Tencent Cloud CDN has been open for internal test application. If necessary, you can apply
Page application address:

Simply fill in and wait for approval
If you want to purchase an ipv4/ipv6 dual stack server, you can also apply on this page

Attach the application address of other cloud manufacturers

Alibaba Cloud IPv4/IPv6 dual stack public beta application:

Baidu Cloud IPv4/IPv6 dual stack public beta application:

Huawei Cloud IPv4/IPv6 dual stack public beta application:


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Article comments

  • Yang Jingwen

    Boss, have you got the result of your application? I haven't received any reply from Tencent Cloud

    August 8, 2020
    • Gcod

      @Yang Jingwen emmm, My application was rejected...

      August 8, 2020
      • Yang Jingwen


        @Gcod Boss, you can now issue a work order to speed up the opening of IPv6 in the customer service background. I have applied for it.

        October 14, 2020
        • Gcod

          @Yang Jingwen I tried to apply for a work order, but it passed. Thank you very much.

          October 21, 2020