Quotes of Dark Negative Energy

March 29, 2016 1411 point heat 0 likes 0 comments

1. Some people have low EQ and cannot play their social roles well. They can only face the world with their most authentic self all the time.
2. As long as it is a stone, it will not shine anywhere. You must admit: I am a stone, lying quietly in the toilet, you do not understand my world, so I am very hard.
3. While gnawing at the chicken leg and breast of the soul, the social elite gave us chicken soup of the soul, saying that the value of life does not depend on how much money you earn and whether you are beautiful externally.
4. I didn't know until I was thirty that it was a very valuable ability to say different things to different people and show different attitudes, rather than hypocrisy.
5. Don't lose weight. You are ugly not only because you are fat.
6. If you are busy, in addition to being really important, the more likely reason is that you are weak, you have nothing better to do, you have to work hard to make up for your poor life, or you pretend to be busy and make yourself appear important Steve Jobs
7. Some people sighed: "I am not young and have not matured yet." In fact, you have matured, and that's how you mature.
8. Only with the ability to find boyfriend and girlfriend and a lot of spare tires, can we really enjoy the single life.
9. You work so hard and endure so much loneliness and entanglement. We don't think you are so good.
10. Look in the mirror more often, and you will understand the reasons for many things.
11. If you do more work than others every day, but you are happy and feel valued, then your leader is more competent than talented.
12. I used to think that people who depended on relationships must be very incompetent. After contacting them, I found that they were better than me in everything.
13. I have some beautiful and educated sisters. I had the chance to marry the second generation of rich officials, but many of them are attracted by the boys who are good looking, have a high degree in a famous school, have just graduated from a well-known foreign enterprise, and work overtime late to keep fit. I think they are ambitious and have potential. Five or six years later, they were so regretful that their intestines were blue.
14. Loser resents those who live better than him.
15. After working hard for so long, if you have any talent, you should have some signs of success.
16. "When you were young, you did nothing; sometimes you complained about your decadence, sometimes you clenched your teeth and worked hard to manage relationships, but your life has not improved, and you have been in pain until you were thirty." He asked excitedly after hearing this: What about after thirty? Is there a connecting flight? The fortune teller raised his head slightly: When you are thirty years old... you begin to get used to it.
17. Even if you give up the factor of origin, I think you may not be able to do others.
18. It is the nature of some people to brag. When I am weak on some topics, I will tease foreign aid: I have a friend who has more awesome experience than you. When he finished speaking, he was elated. The subtext was that as his friend, he would certainly not be worse.
19. My parents have always paid attention to my moral education. When I came to society, I treated people and things as my parents taught me, but I found myself unpopular.
20. At the age of 26, he quit his job, established a band with his friends, and performed in private universities. At the age of 30, the money was spent, and the father's illness cost a lot of money. "Give up after this concert, and youth will come here," he said with tears before the concert at Qilihe University in Gansu Province. A female student handed out a note: I like your song, and I should stick to my dream. He decided to stick to his dream. At the age of 34, he owed more than 100000 yuan, and his father died of illness.
21. Some young people work in some large state-owned enterprises and institutions as soon as they graduate. There is nothing to do every day, but eat and drink. The welfare is extremely good. He began to provide for the aged before he had fought in his life. His ideal was left aside and he enjoyed privileges with people's wealth and cream. For such young people, I just want to ask you four words: where should I submit my resume?
22. People without money and career have time to improve their life
23. Healthy body, parents with both sides, being able to support themselves, a few friends who can talk to each other, and the beautiful scenery that can be freely enjoyed, all these happy things have been acquired by us - so the need to be stronger than others and to be recognized by the society has been highlighted.
24. Life is like this, with laughter and tears. Some people are mainly responsible for laughter, while others are mainly responsible for tears.
25. Some girls think that it is cute to say that they are a foodie, but it has no such effect.
26. There is no mistake in this world. Who makes you look ugly and have no money.
27. Those who have really worked hard will understand the importance of talent.
28. Some young people create their own image of high-end income through high-end consumption.
29. Ugly girls make people pay attention to her inner beauty, while ordinary girls are ignored.
At the age of 30 or 30, most people are stuck in junior positions. The current job can not be promoted, nor can it bear the time cost of changing careers, let alone go to school again. Parents began to get sick, their income was limited, and there was no savings. The greater pain is to see that the hardworking and intelligent people who have no background around have made little achievements, and the people with background have begun to live a noble life.
31. Some people have worked hard all their lives, which means they have moved from the fourth class to the third class.
32. A bad looking person is not necessarily a good person. Just because of the long lonely torture, sometimes I will treat people like crazy.
33. What is sensitivity? The same thing is more likely to be regarded as a setback than others. What is vulnerability? The same setback will produce more negative emotions than others. What is depression? It takes more time and energy to recover from the same negative emotions than others. What is the weak? Sensitive, vulnerable and depressed people.
34. The limitation of poor family background is not only a platform problem. Bad family background indicates that your parents are not good at mixing. Maybe you have the word "no" written in your genes.
35. To live an active life and change yourself is to pretend. Pretend to be positive and optimistic, pretend to be interested in doing these boring things, pretend to be calm and rational, pretend to be interested in what you do.
36. Everyone has the right to happiness, and a few people have the ability to be happy.
37. Many people find themselves inferior to others in terms of money, power and women, so they begin to try to make a difference in morality and life.
38. You don't suffer much more than others. The pain mainly comes from sensitivity and vulnerability.
39. The boss and leaders know who can be promoted. For those who cannot, they will continue to encourage and give them hope.
40. I despise those who are inferior to me, and I hate those who are superior to me.
41. I don't mix well in the society. I hate the society. But I can't leave it. It gives me all the good things in my life.
42. The girls would rather make a handsome and rich spare tire than accept the behavior of silk, which guarantees the progress of human beings genetically.
43. I sympathize with those graduates from famous universities. For the vast majority of these people, the greatest achievement in their life is the success of the college entrance examination, which has surpassed all levels of society and seems to rise to the top. After that, he went downhill all his life.
44. If you have no loveliness, no one will love you.
45. Unfilial children: After economic independence, they go abroad or live in other places, earn money and spend it by themselves. Every week, they call home or call their parents on QQ, saying "I love your sons and daughters".
46. I went to see a psychologist for depression. After listening to my statement, he said: If what you said is true, why don't you commit suicide? You are not depressed. Depression is to look at things pessimistically, which is good but not good. You are not as good as others.
47. You tried your best to understand some things, but it didn't help you solve them at all.
48. Some people do not have good origins, smart brains and the ability to deal with people. Their attempts to succeed through simple efforts are just as ridiculous as trying to make delicious dumplings only by flour.
49. I have always believed that what the society really needs is not those hypocritical entertainment stars, not those unscrupulous politicians, not those entrepreneurs who make money without conscience. The last thing this society needs is a fool like me who has no ability to complain every day.
50. After ten years of continuous struggle and tempering, I have finally grown from a sensitive and vulnerable youth who cherishes ignorance to a sensitive and vulnerable youth who cherishes ignorance.
51. Why do some people oppose the pursuit of spiritual satisfaction to the pursuit of material prosperity? You are not happy because you are not high, and your material life is poor because you are incapable. This is totally different.
52. I used to earn little money on my knees, so I imitated those excellent people and tried to stand up. As a result, I lost my job.
53. If a man is not handsome, he will not go out for philandering? Do men put you first if they have no career? Some women are really idiots.
54. If good looks can attract others' attention, and money can support various entertainment activities, who would be willing to stay at home every day to play games, surf microblogs, and watch TV dramas.
55. Your existing resources and talents are mediocre. Every day you think about how to be kind to others, how not to bother others, how to be considerate of others everywhere, and how to be dedicated to public service, which will only lead to the worse (compared with the speed of progress of others). How can we succeed.
56. You and I are eager to succeed, even if we have to pay a lot. But we can't even get up early.
57. There are a lot of important and urgent things. You will feel that other things are delayed if you do any of them first. So I'd better go to the Internet cafe first.
58. What kind of people make what kind of country, don't always feel that our motherland is not worthy of you.
59. I wish I were rich or good-looking. In that way, even if my personality is a little strange, someone will listen to my thoughts and feelings and make friends with me.
60. Traveling can't make up for your inner emptiness!
61. Every day I miss the people I should not miss and do things that have nothing to do with reality.
62. The maturity of women at this age makes boys ashamed. They are at the peak of their life, which is the time when they can most influence men. Women think about practical problems, such as how to marry a good man, how to support themselves in the future, and how to manage their interpersonal relationships. The young men generally have nothing. They play board games after struggling in the daytime and at night. They often indulge in the beauty of impossible girls and daydream.
63. Friend, it is not laziness. Laziness can be overcome. You just have a weak (stupid) brain. You can't endure intense thinking for a long time, do things that are too complicated in logic and process too much information.
64. I found that many people who didn't get along well were very open. I don't know whether they disdain secular success because they see it thoroughly or have to look at it because they don't succeed.
65. Many people make up their minds in two or three days, as if they will be reborn tomorrow and say goodbye to themselves completely. Do you know that shit is still shit after Nirvana.
66. I used to hate people with family background. Later, it was discovered that they were not at the same level as themselves and could not threaten me at all. Therefore, I turned to envy those who have no background, but are capable and willing to bear hardships.
67. When I first went to college, it was time for me to marry a lady from a big family and promote myself in my career; It's better to marry a beautiful and virtuous family and live a comfortable life. Now I find that I really thought too much at that time.
68. That's all I have. If I work wholeheartedly, I will inevitably ignore life; If I live with my heart, I will accomplish nothing; If I take both into consideration, I will inevitably be mediocre.
69. The elites who are admired by everyone are not as good as you think, but they are certainly much better than you.
70. Every time I see the poor travel log, I feel that if I am poor, I should not go out to surf.
71. Most of the time, people treat you well not because they like you, but because they like to treat others well.
72. Happiness is not far away from us. It has always been with our friends who have good looks, superior family circumstances, good brains and positive optimism.
73. I am not afraid of becoming the people I dislike. I am afraid that I will not live up to them.
74. The Chinese people in the United States are like the Chinese people in American TV dramas. They often appear, but they are never the protagonists.
75. Some people can't sleep without spending a few hours every day doing something boring.
76. China is neither good nor bad. You can't go abroad, so you are doomed.
77. Taste every pain of the moment with heart, so that you will not be nostalgic when you die.
78. If only there was a place where you could sell your soul for material enjoyment.
79. I met a person I know and wanted to have a chat. She said she went to Hong Kong and Greece to play, and bought apples and cosmetics. I don't know how to respond, because I haven't gone out to play or shop for a long time. I also said that I had recently thought about why people are alive and born, and she was silent because she had not thought about such a question for a long time. There was nothing to say after that.
80. Some interests and specialties are quite good for amateurs, but once they become professionals, they are very weak.
81. Being a fool will only cause a little pain. A lot of pain comes from being a fool and trying not to let others know.
82. How can a beauty ever be a bosom friend? Only when life is boring can she study.
83. After finding that they are unlikely to succeed in their career, some people changed their life goal to "experience and do what they want to do with all their heart", while others changed it to "work hard to make themselves regret nothing"
84. If your friends are so happy every day, they will not be taken into photos and posted online.
85. Ugly and poor men are not more reliable than tall, handsome and rich men.
86. People are lonely after all. Even if I occasionally feel that I have many friends, it is just an illusion caused by the noise around me.
87. Laziness is a good excuse. It seems that if you are diligent, you can really do something important.
88. Freedom has never been taken for granted, but a privilege requiring high costs.
89. When someone tells you that he or she is busy, it is he or she who wants to leave time for more important people.
90. "Hello, teacher, how should Peking University graduates like me, who have no background, position themselves?" "The most educated group of people at the bottom of the society."
91. Some people have poor social skills and can only make friends with people who share the same ideals and appreciate each other. Those who are not easygoing and don't like themselves, but can improve themselves, they have no ability to deal with it.
92. There is no virtue in the world. Money is the greatest virtue; There is no talent in the world, power is talent; There is no beauty in the world. Sexy is beauty; There is no human relationship in the world, and interest relationship is human relationship; There is no human nature in the world. To make profits is human nature.
93. When I was young, I thought that all the rich people were very tired and their hearts were dark. When I grew up, I found that many rich people know a lot, have rich experience, work seriously, behave generously and rationally, and get along better than the poor.
94. Genes are given by you, growth environment is given by you, and social class is given by you - and you have the face to complain about your children's failure
95. The people we can rely on most in times of difficulty are also the people we are most likely to ignore in times of pride. For example, spare tire, parents, good but not good friends.
96. Many young people are always confused about the world outlook and outlook on life. The crux is that I think too much and read too little.
97. I found that no coal miner has become a coal boss by digging more coal.
98. It is relatively simple to be in a high position and approachable, rich and good. It is difficult to do this at a low level.
99. All those who complain about social injustice and system can only be translated into one sentence: please give me money, women and social status!
100. Success or failure is the only criterion for judging heroes.
101. Nansizhuang spread these negative energy quotations. He must be a good boy.
102. The most humiliating thing is that you hate the other party and the other party doesn't care about it.
103. There are always people who can't do their jobs when they need to work and can't let go when they play.
104. If you are infatuated with a person, you must not be worthy of him.
105. It seems boring or lonely every day. Going to eat and hang out with friends is just to meet the needs of people, not social.
106. Thanks to the fans, many people can't bear to see the truth.
107. If he is attractive, go out with him; If he has money, you should try to be his boyfriend and girlfriend; If he is powerful, you should socialize with him; If he writes a good article, you should read it; If he is CARING, you can talk to him; If he is kind, you can ask him for help. It's not surprising that others treat you as you are.
108. Bad women love men's money and power; Good women love men's confidence, generosity, energy, optimism and enterprising because of their money and power. Fortunately, all roads lead to the same goal.
109. The love he gave you will disappear, but the TIFFANY he gave you will not depreciate.
110. When a person's spiritual life level exceeds his material life level, he begins to appear hypocritical.
111. The freedom and infinite possibility of life are illusions. Everyone is bound by the social pressure, close people and themselves, doing what they will do every day.
112. Whether you are energetic or not is the result of good health. It has little to do with whether you have a positive and optimistic attitude.
113. Love is that if there is no better choice, I will accompany you to the end of time.
114. People who talk about life, society and morality every day often have low intelligence. The truly intelligent people have taken these thoughts for granted, internalized them into their own actions, and achieved success in the material world.
115. You can't get along well in the secular world because of poor material conditions, and your mind has fallen into emptiness. After entering, I found that Huigen is more important here. No matter where you go in life, you can't live without a "comparison".
116. Sometimes we think that others misunderstand us, but in fact we misunderstand ourselves.
117. If you know something is interesting, but can't do it and lose, it's OK. If you feel nothing interesting, it should be depression.
118. When there is such a big event in life as birth, old age, illness and death, I know that my previous sadness is bullshit.
119. A girl in my university dormitory spent half an hour every day mixing dog food and taking it outside to feed stray dogs. But she only called home once half a month. Her family is a working class in a third tier city. The students all said that she was a loving angel.
120. Curative effect of this product: treat amnesia. Dosage and usage: Take the medicine every time when you can't remember taking it, until you can remember taking it.
121. Two Chinese entrepreneurs took the elevator to the 20th floor. The reporter interviewed how they came up. One said he ran up in the elevator, the other said he did push ups in the elevator. He asked them how they could not get up to the 20th floor. Answer that the elevator has system problems.
122. Chairman Mao said that it is not difficult to be a good person for one day, but it is difficult to be a rich person for a lifetime.
123. There are two groups of students arguing fiercely online. One side believes that they should use their spare time to travel, wander, teach and experience life to the fullest; Another wave believes that spare time should be used for learning English, taking IELTS exams, doing internships and preparing for careers. In fact, they go online in their spare time.
124. Another day has passed. How are you today? Is your dream further?
125, 2012/5/21, a ten meter long sai whale was found dead on the grassland in East Yorkshire, England... It is 800 meters away from the nearest coastline, and there are no artificial or natural scars on the body. The distance speculated that it hoped to roll back to the sea after grounding, but unfortunately it rolled in the wrong direction. This is your life's effort.
126. People are always changeable, and feelings always change.
127. A person will be lonely but at ease.
128. How can you ask me to love me without loving myself.
129. I don't mind being alone. It's more comfortable than loving you.
130. Birds fly far along with the warblers and phoenixes, and people are inferior to virtuous people.
131. Sometimes, the person you want most is the person you should leave most.
132. Ambiguity is just right love.
133. The most sensible person is often the most headstrong, and the most difficult person is often the most profound.
134. No one can predict the future, so some people always regret the beginning.
135. No one can walk into a person's heart completely.
136. I have a friend from an ordinary family. He always felt that if he had money, he would be happier. Later, his mother became rich in infant education. Almost ten years later, I met him and asked: Now you are rich, are you really happy? He replied: Shuangfan! I walked away silently.
137. A few years ago, a girl on BBS wrote: "I don't know why, every time an ugly man looks at me, I feel that he is very cruel and boring, and I particularly dislike him;"; But the handsome guy feels good about me. Today, I saw a boy write: I found that I always like to rush to help a beautiful girl, and unconsciously ask her what she needs; But every time the ugly girl asks me to help, I feel: You can't do it yourself?
138. Put down the butcher's knife, but hit his own foot. When you lift a stone, you become a Buddha.
139. Some obvious truths are very cute.

140. Come and join in the spread of negative energy.

Reprinted from Douban https://www.douban.com/note/292698070/


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