information community file
Traffic flow statistics
Carry out vehicle detection and tracking according to the video capture picture sequence, identify the number of various vehicles (including cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles, tricycles) entering and exiting the designated area, and realize dynamic traffic flow statistics
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The traffic flow statistics interface is being invited for testing. If you need, please click below to apply for trial
Function introduction
Function demonstration
Application scenarios
Product advantages
Related recommendations
Function introduction
Function demonstration
Application scenarios
Road condition analysis
Real time monitoring of traffic flow on traffic roads and checkpoints, automatic statistics of the number of vehicles entering and leaving at different times, analysis of traffic conditions at intersections and sections, and provide accurate reference for traffic scheduling and road condition optimization
Cooperation cases
Product advantages
Leading technology
Based on Baidu's profound deep learning and image recognition technology, vehicle detection and track tracking algorithms are industry-leading
Low cost application
The algorithm is adapted to mainstream surveillance cameras, no need to customize hardware, low-cost integrated applications, and rapid verification
Visual rendering
On the basis of outputting the position and number of vehicles, it can return the rendering with statistical values and tracking boxes, and the recognition results are clear at a glance
Public cloud service
Provide online interfaces for various vehicle analysis capabilities, which can directly call API or use HTTP SDK to identify applications
Privatization deployment
Deploy to local servers or private clouds, deploy and run in the intranet/LAN, support distributed high concurrency business processing, and provide two privatization solutions: all-in-one machine and software deployment package
Software and hardware integration scheme
Based on EdgeBoard hardware, with built-in traffic flow statistics algorithm, it can be deployed offline locally, with good software hardware integration effect
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The traffic flow statistics service is being invited for testing, please click below to apply for trial
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Technical capability
Voice technology
Character recognition
Face and Human Body
Image technology
Language and knowledge
video technique