information community file
Multi card type detection
The category detection and positioning of multiple cards in the same picture supports five types of common cards, including the front and back of ID cards, the front and back pages of driving licenses, the front and back pages of driving licenses, bank cards, and business licenses, and eight formats; It can be combined with card and card recognition ability, and applied to such scenarios as ID card copy entry, vehicle review, driver license review, etc. to improve business processing efficiency
Application scenarios
Technical features
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Application scenarios
Government approval
Based on multi card type detection technology, combined with ID card, driving license, driver's license, bank card and other card recognition services, it can simultaneously identify multiple certificates required for business processing, quickly extract key information of different certificates required for entry and approval, which can be applied to scenarios such as ID card copy entry, vehicle review, driver's license review, and effectively reduce manual entry costs, Improve business processing efficiency
Cooperation cases
 Coming soon
Technical features
Covering multiple types of common cards
Support 8 formats of 5 types of common cards, such as ID card, driver's license, bank card and business license, and flexibly respond to the identification needs of different business scenarios
Flexible use
Independent API interface is provided, which can be used in combination with card and card recognition ability. It is flexible, efficient and convenient
Easy to use
Upload images of multiple cards at one time, quickly detect and locate categories, and return results uniformly, saving time and effort
Cloud service
The cloud Paas service interface that provides various text recognition services can directly call the API to identify the text in the picture
Privatization deployment
It can be deployed to the local server to realize the character recognition function in the local area network/intranet, without connecting to the public network, to ensure data privacy, and to provide two privatization schemes of all-in-one machine and software deployment package
Start to experience the free package
In the invitation test of multi card type detection service, you can get 500 free calls after applying
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Technical capability
Voice technology
Character recognition
Face and Human Body
Image technology
Language and knowledge
video technique