information community file
Formula recognition
Identify the mathematical formula and question content in the test paper. You can extract the formula part for separate identification, or you can identify the question and formula together, and return the formula content and location information in Latex format for subsequent processing
Application scenarios
Characteristic advantages
Related recommendations
Application scenarios
Take photos and search questions
Intelligent marking
Take photos and search questions
Identify and extract the mathematical formula and content of the question, and return the formula content in the Latex format. Identify the questions containing the numerical formula and match the content of the question bank, improve the richness of searchable question types, and optimize the user experience
Cooperation cases
Characteristic advantages
Easy to use
Support formula extraction recognition and hybrid recognition of formula and topic, and return formula content in Latex format to facilitate post-processing and provide high-quality content input for intelligent teaching management
Leading technology
Relying on Baidu's profound character and image processing technology and high-quality education data precipitation, special optimization was carried out for the situation of blurred pictures, printing slant, etc., with high algorithm precision
Public cloud service
Provide online service interfaces for various types of character recognition. You can directly call API or use HTTP SDK to identify characters in pictures, which is convenient to access and fast to integrate
Privatization deployment
Deploy to a local server or a private cloud, realize the character recognition function in the intranet/LAN, ensure data privacy, and provide two privatization solutions: all-in-one machine and software deployment package
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Technical capability
Voice technology
Character recognition
Face and Human Body
Image technology
Language and knowledge
video technique