information community file
Dishes identification
Identify more than 9000 kinds of dishes, support customers to create their own dish image library, which can accurately identify the name and location of dishes in the picture, and obtain encyclopedia information, which is suitable for a variety of business scenarios where customers identify dishes
Function introduction
Function demonstration
Application scenarios
product price
Related recommendations
Function introduction
Function demonstration
Application scenarios
Catering health
Intelligent settlement
Catering health
According to the photos taken, identify the names of the dishes in the pictures, obtain the reference calorie content and encyclopedia information of the dishes, and further provide food recommendations, health management plans and other related functions in combination with the identification results to enhance the user experience, which is widely used in catering entertainment and health management APP
Cooperation cases
product price
Dishes identification
Self defined dish identification
Times package prepayment
Applicable to enterprises with predictable call volume
Free test amount
Up to 3000 times
Term of validity
a year
Concurrency support
10 QPS
Customer service response
7 * 24 hours
10000 times
Free use
Pay as you go
Applicable to enterprises that need to buy, stop and pay flexibly
Free test amount
Up to 3000 times
Paid transfer amount
Concurrency support
10 QPS
Customer service response
7 * 24 hours
Monthly adjustment amount>1 million times
zero point three
RMB/1000 times
Subscription payment
Custom Edition
Applicable to key customers who need special mode
Enjoy special price for key customers
Buy more QPS
Other payment mode purchase
Cooperation consulting
Price description
After the free test resources are used up, you can choose two billing methods: prepaid or pay as you go billing. The generated billing calls will first deduct the number of times package quota, and the excess part will be billed by the volume ladder
Price Document
Experience the ability to identify dishes immediately and for free
Public cloud API can enjoy up to 3000 free test resources
Use Now
Technical capability
Voice technology
Character recognition
Face and Human Body
Image technology
Language and knowledge
video technique